View Full Version : Broadband

24th February 2005, 17:34
I see that in March BT are uping the speeds to a MAX of 8MB/sec and that all current connections will double in speed at no extra cost. All the news outputs are a little confusing, but it seems to be correct.

That means the porn will be over before you've even watched it, a bit like Vegy's sex life :yikes: :)

24th February 2005, 18:52
i'm with bt yahoo and the info they sent me is very confusing,i think there telling me my speed will double at least at no extra cost

24th February 2005, 19:18
All ISP's are supposed to have sent out emails to their clients, but they seem to all be in a strange language! :doh I've had 5 off PlusNet, and none from AOL!!

27th February 2005, 13:42
Im with wanadoo and ive heard nothing from them. Ive noticed i can get 2mb (double my speed) with BT with loads more GB limit for just another £2.But thats £24.99 when theyre saying they will be doing 8mb for £14.99 :doh

1st March 2005, 15:53
After emailing Wanadoo asking if theyl be following suit doubling their speed they said no so sod em, im off to BT

1st March 2005, 16:07
I don't think it's up to the ISP's, it a complete doubling of the network by BT :doh

1st March 2005, 16:09
Tiscali are increasing my speed to 1Mb, which is strange as the connection window states that it is at 2.3Mb! :doh

1st March 2005, 16:25
Mine goes up to 4MB, but they are putting a limit of 75GB's download a month :doh What am I supposed to do for porn on the other 30 days? :laugh

1st March 2005, 19:18
Most ADSL users use IP stream through their ISP's which use BT, BT screwed up a few years ago and never could contend the ADSL services correctly at their DSLAM therefore when your ADSL says 50:1 contention and it never slows down you now know why.

Data stream however is contended correctly and is controlled by your ISP therefore when it says 50:1 the chances are your connection at peak times will be less than a 56k modem.

What worries me is with all this FREE upgrading of ADSL are BT & ISP's quietly transferring your ADSL accounts over to Data Stream ?

I hope not :(


1st March 2005, 19:23
Just to add Sparky, I read through Tiscali's forums and they have complaints regarding the upgrades, Tiscali promised all customers a free upgrade and now they say that they cannot due to line quality etc even when Tiscali customers have checked with BT who confirmed upgrades would be fine.

Those that have had their upgrades are complaining of very slow speeds and are begging to go back to there lower speed as it was faster Ooo


1st March 2005, 19:34
Cheers for that KC. It says on the e-mail I'll be upgraded by the end of March. We'll see what happens.

1st March 2005, 19:35
And besides, this 8mb lark doesnt include a very big hike in upload speed so ive heard, which is more important for gaming.

1st March 2005, 19:56
You actually only need a little bandwidth for upload gaming BOI.

My ISP is switching everyone to 50:1 from whatever they were on, 20:1 in my case, however after a few emails for an extra £5 a month I can stay on 20:1 with 4MB (from 2MB), good deal for me.

2nd March 2005, 08:20
Still using drums to communicate in my neck of the woods, took BT 5 attempts to get me onto broadband - I got the message about free speed increases, followed shortly after by one telling me they can't increase the spped where I live - I suppose it is on the edge of civilisation being a whole 7 miles from the centre of Norwich city ;fire

2nd March 2005, 09:13
And besides, this 8mb lark doesnt include a very big hike in upload speed so ive heard, which is more important for gaming.

As Keith said it's not that important for gaming - more important is your ping time to the game servers and I think any broadband connection should be pretty quick in that respect.

2nd March 2005, 12:50
Yes theyre quick, but ot as quick as the punks that win all that time and thats the reason they win

2nd March 2005, 14:08
Yes theyre quick, but ot as quick as the punks that win all that time and thats the reason they win

My ping should be between 20-30 but most evenings it suffers and I have to put up with between 200-300 and yet I'm one of the top high scorers in the game I play so a low ping is not the reason alone for playing well.

Sorry to disagree with you there m8 even though I agree a low ping does help.


2nd March 2005, 14:15
See Boi - you're just rubbish at the game :D

2nd March 2005, 14:49
Tried playing pro evo 4 on xbox live? On that game its more a case of the host usually wins cos they win every header and 50/50 tussle. On Halo2 and other shoot em ups again the fastest connection wins cos effectively your shooting at something that isnt even there! :yikes: As for pc game play i play task force dagger, a game thats held the test of time amongst all the latest games and i literally shoot an inch in front of the direction the enemy is travelling in to kill them and it works really well

2nd March 2005, 14:52
If your system, and especially memory, is clogged up, your PING will suffer. You need at least 512mb

2nd March 2005, 16:30
Ye i only got 256mb ram, ive enquired bout more memory speeding my system up but people say it wont and sometimes too much memory can bugger things up. Would sticking another 256 in be a good idea? Trouble is i dont know difference tween sdr ddr rd zxrtgfr and all the rest of it :geek

2nd March 2005, 16:41
Windows XP uses 256MB, so everything else is generally in transit between memory and the swap disk file. This slows things down a hell of a lot. Doubling up will prevent the majority of this time delay.