View Full Version : Betfair on my Browser

1st March 2005, 00:56
Betfair will not load on my Internet Explorer,
It starts loading and then does so with errors on page.
When it has loaded nothing works...

I have also installed Firefox and the same thing happens.

To try and describe it is difficult,
but the left hand column doesn't load.
I can't log in... all the hyperlinks are in big blue
writing and do not link.

The centre of the main page is missing!

Any ideas why this page won't load on my home PC?

1st March 2005, 00:59
sounds very frustrating Veg.

I know you got broadband recently, have you tried going in with your old dial up connection? Just seeing if we can pin it down to the computer or the ISP

1st March 2005, 01:04
Have u tried cliched cookie deletionalisationalisticism?

1st March 2005, 01:04
My old dial up connection doesn't work...
that's the reason I had to get broadband...

1st March 2005, 01:10
I aint no wiz with this kind of stuff Veg so wait till some smarter guys are about but maybe you might be able to change the proxy settings on your connection tab to bypass the transparent cache. It sounds complicated but when my broadband is playing up I do that and it nearly always does the trick. I think if I remember right you are on Tesco Broadband - I know the proxy servers for the NTL broadband and it may well be the case that Tesco Broadband use NTL servers as I am sure they dont have their own servers next to the frozen food section in the supermarket.

I have to go to bed now and like I say wait till some of the more techie people are around but it could be an option.

1st March 2005, 01:14
Night Night TH! :D

1st March 2005, 01:41
Best to phone Betfair and go through the I.E settings they want you to have.

1st March 2005, 01:48
i know what you are talking about vegy, happened to me a couple of times. all i did was close the browser and try again.

probably not much help :doh

1st March 2005, 09:35
Have you tried using more coal?

1st March 2005, 09:39
I have the same problem, I need to refresh the page 4-5 times to get it to work.

Once I'm in, it stays loaded and logged on...... very frustrating though

1st March 2005, 10:05
Clear out you Betfair cookies & Temp files, then run Adaware & AV

2nd March 2005, 00:36
Clear out you Betfair cookies & Temp files, then run Adaware & AVHow do I do this Keith...

I went on "Internet Options" and clicked on delete cookies
and delete files on the Temporary Internet Files bit
but that didn't work ...

I clicked on settings and view files
and there are still loads of betfair related caches
on there...

I'm not sure what any of it means though! :(

2nd March 2005, 09:28
Your files should be deleted,s o if that didn't work :doh

Actually before I went on my hols in Jan, after I pressed submit, around 80% of the time the betting box would lock up. I'd have to load another race, then go straight back to the original to load the data. On holiday this stopped, and until Monday's Betfair FIX was fine, and now it has returned.

It's not just my main system, it happens on my other two now as well, and is very annoying. I think I'll use the LITE version.

2nd March 2005, 13:53
Betfair will not load on my Internet Explorer,
It starts loading and then does so with errors on page.
When it has loaded nothing works...

I have also installed Firefox and the same thing happens.

To try and describe it is difficult,
but the left hand column doesn't load.
I can't log in... all the hyperlinks are in big blue
writing and do not link.

The centre of the main page is missing!

Any ideas why this page won't load on my home PC?

These symptoms usually indicate that all of the fancy CSS and JS files haven't been able to download properly either because they reside on a different virtual server or because someone's inserted a glitch when uploading the new front page. Betting sites will be particularly prone because of their heavy reliance on this browser technology but at least it'll be spotted quickly as it prevents people from being able to place bets easily. The only solution is to wait for the IT people to sort it out at their end.

2nd March 2005, 14:32
The only solution is to wait for the IT people to sort it out at their end.
That takes a while with Betfair, they sort out one problem, and another shall appear :)