View Full Version : Swearing

1st March 2005, 15:15
Please refrain from swearing please, and trying to get around the swear filter, you are only annoying myself and the Mods when we have to edit the posts with smilies.

Thank you.

1st March 2005, 15:29
Just get me coat........TAXI.....

1st March 2005, 15:29
I bet you swear your head off down the pub :laugh

1st March 2005, 15:40
Dont quite understand this Keith.....my post which was edited by you some 15 minutes ago..........WAS Fine for all of the morning - in fact you even commented yorself...........

To return to the post much later for editing........I assume someone has complained....because the indications are that you initially thought it was fine........

There is hardly much difference in using the terms masturbate and :censored: .......

Anyway - I dont want to get into any arguments over this....if my posting doesnt suit this site so be it....

1st March 2005, 15:41
I bet you swear your head off down the pub :laugh

I do, but my 7yo nephew isn't allowed in the pub! :wink

1st March 2005, 15:43
Dont quite understand this Keith.....my post which was edited by you some 15 minutes ago..........WAS Fine for all of the morning - in fact you even commented yorself...........

To return to the post much later for editing........I assume someone has complained....because the indications are that you initially thought it was fine........

There is hardly much difference in using the terms masturbate and ******.......

Anyway - I dont want to get into any arguments over this....if my posting doesnt suit this site so be it....

It was originally left whilst the mods decided whether or not it was appropriate.

1st March 2005, 15:45
If I want to :censored: swear,
I'll :censored: swear alright.

If you don't like it :censored: ::swear :laugh

Honestly merl, masturbate is better... you are offending my mate

Wayne King! :laugh

1st March 2005, 15:47
Hi Merlin

It is in the forum rules that you are request not to swear.

Personally I would rather people see this site as professional rather than a bunch of mad bettors who swear all the time.

Swearing is usful under some circumstances. It is in a way of emphasising or emboldening the feeling you are conveying. However overuse of it reduces its effectiveness. Less is more when it comes to swearing.

1st March 2005, 15:48
I thought you may have been involved in this somewhere Oldahm....suprise , suprise.....

1st March 2005, 15:50
If I want to :censored: swear,
I'll :censored: swear alright.

If you don't like it :censored: ::swear :laugh

Honestly merl, masturbate is better... you are offending my mate

Wayne King! :laugh
:laugh :laugh :laugh

1st March 2005, 15:51
I think it's good that we can all discuss this

I like a good

Mass debate :laugh

Oh stop it... I'm killing myself here :laugh

1st March 2005, 15:52
Oh stop it... I'm killing myself here :laugh
Don't build our hopes up Vegy. :wink :)

1st March 2005, 15:53
Someone could have dropped me an e-mail explaining..........because it was obvious that it was my post that pissed some people of....I still declare there is not much difference between masturbate and :censored: .................

Anyway..............things are SOOOOOOOOOO Obvious now........

1st March 2005, 15:53
Don't build our hopes up Vegy. :wink :):laugh
And to think I was glad that UK Coal had decided to let you carry on mining :laugh

1st March 2005, 15:58
It is not just you Merlin there are others (myself too) who do swear on the forum.

1st March 2005, 16:03
I do, but my 7yo nephew isn't allowed in the pub! :wink

As this is a gambling site, shouldnt it be over 18s only?

1st March 2005, 16:04
Wasn't your post Merlin, it has been getting out of hand the last few weeks while I've been busy with other jobs, and time to put it all back on track the way it is supposed to be. I only ask the Mods to help me, they didn't get a vote on this point which has clearly been stated in the rules for around 2 years.

In this period I have edited many posts, but people do not always notice.

1st March 2005, 16:05
As this is a gambling site, shouldnt it be over 18s only?
Yeah and put the Racing Post under the counter in plain brown paper. :rolleyes: :)

1st March 2005, 16:09
As this is a gambling site, shouldnt it be over 18s only?

It's slightly more difficult to monitor than the pub. The point I was trying to make is that this is a public forum and you shouldn't post something you wouldn't want a youngster to see/hear.

We try to keep the forum a decent place - if people want to 'bend' the rules or blatantly challenge them, they should join a forum that accepts that sort of thing.

1st March 2005, 16:09
This is a forum e55exboi and not much is going to stop under18's from visiting it. Also the under 18's do tend to swear a lot more anyway so it is not really a relivant point if you will excuse me for saying so:D

1st March 2005, 16:19
If I want to :censored: swear,
I'll :censored: swear alright.

If you don't like it :censored: ::swear :laugh

Honestly merl, masturbate is better... you are offending my mate

Wayne King! :laugh

Apologies for offending anyone with this post...
I notice it has been edited...

Although my fabricated mates name remains alright :laugh

In fact... all my friends are fabricated. :laugh

I've just back to work from the pub... taxi for me too please :D

1st March 2005, 16:22
We know your friend Master Bates is really you Vegy :D

1st March 2005, 16:25
Well whats the problem with the obviously deeply offensive chinese friend :censored: ....

1st March 2005, 16:29
The only Chinese in your area Merlin are carrying condoms in there stomach :laugh

1st March 2005, 16:38
It's slightly more difficult to monitor than the pub. The point I was trying to make is that this is a public forum and you shouldn't post something you wouldn't want a youngster to see/hear.

We try to keep the forum a decent place - if people want to 'bend' the rules or blatantly challenge them, they should join a forum that accepts that sort of thing.
If there's youngsters in a pub, it dont kerb my swearing, they shouldnt be in the :censored: place should they :yikes: Sorry, no more now :pk1

1st March 2005, 16:39
If there's youngsters in a pub, it dont kerb my swearing, they shouldnt be in the :censored: place But you ARE in there :laugh

1st March 2005, 16:40
This is a bloody joke......because Oldham you try and make out that the mods were deliberating over the term :censored: ......yet Keith commented on the post and left it for hours....

It is clear to me whats gone on...........so lets have none of the :censored: eh.........now :censored: ban me....I am very dissapointed and right pissed off....I contributed a lot to this forum........

1st March 2005, 16:42
I contributed
Please don't use PAST tense Merl...
do you want me to visit you in Brazil and torture you AGAIN! :wink

By the way... took me 6 weeks to recover from my last trip :laugh

Come on Merlin... you are well respected from your contributions

Just look at your rep points (and you DIDN'T have to start a sim game
to get them ) :D

1st March 2005, 16:43
Merlin, this was not started by your post.......believe me. It was a general query that started days and days ago.

It just so happened that Keith posted this post on the day you had some swearing in a post, that's it really. Nothing to be fed up about, honest guv.

1st March 2005, 16:43
Merlin, why do you go so OTT? I said this last time too. Its like some Personality Disorder mate :doh

1st March 2005, 16:45
Personality disorder :laugh Thats a good one mate...

1st March 2005, 16:50
The fact is that I feel I know when to draw the line....and how far to go.....and I dont believe I go over the top........if I do , I usually check myself............

This private messaging or e-mail would make things less public.............

1st March 2005, 16:51
I think everyone needs a chill pill. :)

1st March 2005, 16:53
I didn't leave your post Merlin, nor the other 6 I've edited today, I note them and go back to them when time allows. I was doing the days update which is more important at that time.

For editing of posts, you are not in the top 3. I edit around 2-10 posts a day, and always have done, plenty do get through though as i do not have time to check every post. Hence the swear filter. If I wanted swearing on here I would rename it 'Betfair Forum', but in the 4 years the forum has been active, I've kept blatant swearing and abuse as low as possible. People trying to get around the filters are abusing the forum and their is really no need for it when their are many other ways of making a point.

I'm a scouser, if I typed on here the way I talked to my mates it would be all ****....but it isn't as I choose to show respect to those on the forum I don't know personally. I can still be vulger and sarcastic without resorting to direct swearing and abuse.

1st March 2005, 19:27
Merl mate, believe me it was not any of your posts that brought this into focus. Ok so a post was edited but it is nothing sinister believe me.

A lot of time it is the context of the post and the frequency of the swearing that is the problem, that clearly does not apply in your case - your post was perfectly humourous and I don't think anyone would be offended but if the swear filter is bypassed then it needs editing else why bother having the swear filter?

If we don't edit the posts such as yours that are good humored and leg pulling it will leave the door open to the one or two who will post in an onfensive way and then cry the victim when the post is edited (as a matter of necessity) if others are left unchecked (such as humouress ones, which is just a matter of consitiency rather that a priority)

Maybe we have been lax and not as consistient as we might have been recently but that is because it has been such a pleasent and easy forum to police and there has not been much swearing until recently so we have maybe missed one or two. The fact we have had one or two isolated problems recently means the issue has come to the fore and hence the forum announcement.

That is the truth guv - honest :)