View Full Version : Ray Mears

6th March 2005, 21:13
One of his bushcraft progs on BBC2 at the moment, the guy is an outdoor genius!

6th March 2005, 21:27
Damn, no :censored: telly at work just now as the wind blew the aerial off the roof a few weeks back and being the NHS they can't just phone a guy up to come and fix it - it has to go through all the :censored: crap of form filling and applying to the finance department to get it done, and this being near the end of the financial year and the trust being 3 million in the red we've no chance!

Anyway OFF - yes Ray Mears is brilliant - I always try and catch his programs - got one of his books as well, a very good read, even if I'm hardly likely to put any of it into practice. He's just one of those guys that comes over as a natural for TV. Do you remember the Aussie guy Bush Tucker Man - he was excellent as well... :)

7th March 2005, 10:09
I want to make fire from two twigs, well cool.

I got the Real Heroes of Telemark book by him for a pressie, he's quite a good writer aswell.

I quite like this new guy who does "Tribe" where he goes off and lives with primitive people (next series he goes to Leeds) and does their whole initiation stuff. Was off his nut on weird hallucinogens for two days on one of them.