View Full Version : small text

11th March 2005, 20:46
hi my text on pc is small tried everything in control panal display but i either get stupidly large text or so small i'm struggling to read it

11th March 2005, 22:20
On desktop right mouse click, click on properties. Some options in there you might like to try. Your window size maybe to big. Try it at 1024x768.

11th March 2005, 22:23
tried that thanks marcus still too small

11th March 2005, 23:46
Try your screwdriver method silax, you said it fixed everything...

11th March 2005, 23:56
Some video cards have a dpi setting(same method of changing screen size then click on advanced) or can set text size to a percentage. Check in the advanced area.

The other thing to do is chang the font your windows uses but I can't remember how to do that just now.

12th March 2005, 00:00
All your posts are small silax, try using the CAPS button, it's located to the left of the letter A on your keyboard. The full stop and comma keys are on the bottom right. :yikes:

12th March 2005, 00:17
These might help..... :D

12th March 2005, 00:21
thanks chaps
when i put xp on i had to lengthen my screen to make it fit properly this may have caused the problem

12th March 2005, 00:26
Try your screwdriver method silax, you said it fixed everything...
somehow i knew that one would come back and bite me

12th March 2005, 00:49
The other way.....

Click 'view'
then 'text size'
then select a larger one than the current setting.

12th March 2005, 09:47
thanks mark tried that still no joy what is diferrent is when i try to make the window half size it only shrinks a very small bit