View Full Version : laptops

11th March 2005, 21:26
been offered a laptop toshiba 4000cdt
160mb ram 10gb floppy cd rom p2 233 for £250 this is to use internet while mobile so also need to get g3 card for about £150 does this sound ok

11th March 2005, 22:56
No way, I've just sold a 1400AMD for £150

What that one is worth is about £50 Silax, no more. You can buy a NEW one for £365 with full warranty here http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=84710

11th March 2005, 23:01
thanks a lot i thought it was a bit steep

11th March 2005, 23:11
Even Dell sell a new basic laptop for £400 these days.....

11th March 2005, 23:13
I'm sure e55ex can lay his hands on one for about £20 :laugh