View Full Version : Setting up an address in Microsoft Outlook

12th March 2005, 21:52

I'm trying to set up a POP3 account through MS Outlook but when I try to open the program it comes up 'the information service has not been configured' and asks me to open a .PST file from the Outlook folder in Program Files, to which there are no such files in that directory.

I can easily do it through Outlook Express, but would like to try Outlook. Not sure if I've set up my 'personal profile' or not.

This seems like a simple solution to solve, I just don't know how to do it. http://www.win2winracing.com/forum/images/smilies/Help1.gif

12th March 2005, 23:35
When it asks you to open a .PST file, have you clicked OK or cancel? Doing the former sometimes works.

The problem sounds like your Message Application Programming Interface (MAPI) has been configured to work with profiles but, as you've found out, you don't have one and probably need to set one up.

13th March 2005, 00:23
Outlook should be on the desktop as an application (not a shortcut). Right click on the application icon and select properties. If there is no profile, it will ask you to create one. Setting up the pop3 address will be the next stage.

13th March 2005, 00:54
Thanks for your help, sorted now.