View Full Version : Help please

13th December 2002, 18:57
everytime i try to get in to anything on the main screen of my computer like my documents or the recycle bin i get this come up

explorer has caused an error
explorer will now close

then when i click close this comes up

explorer has caused an error
in MFC42.DLL
explorer will now close


anyone know how to get rid of this **** cause its really pissing me off.I cant get in to any of my folders of anything :mad:

13th December 2002, 19:20
Explorer represents a vital chunk of your computer so if that fooks up then your in deep doo doo. Usually when explorer closes it causes your computer to restart.

If you press ctrl+alt+delete you should see the status of Explorer.exe in the window that pops up. Try it before clicking the folder to see what it says and then see what happens after you've clicked the folder.

I don't know how to fix your problem, but it might help find out whats wrong.

Good Luck!

Johnny Boy
13th December 2002, 19:32
If you go to the Microsoft site and go to suupport and type in those errors they offers solutions.

Johnny Boy

13th December 2002, 20:30
What version of Windows is it?

You can always try going to >CONTROL PANEL>ADD/REMOVE PROGRAM>ADD?REMOVE WINDOWS COMPONENTS and then de-select Internet Explorer, this should allow you to fix it. Failing that, it's probably quicker just reintalling windows, or going back to a previous RESTORE POINT if it is XP/ME.

13th December 2002, 20:42
i would love to keith but when i click on my computer i get the error
when i try and use the serch to get to it i get the error
error error error god dam error:mad:

13th December 2002, 21:13
When the computer is starting up keep hitting the F8 key. This will then bring up a menu of start options. Chose the start in Safe Mode.

This basically means that windows does not start all the bits of programs that might be causing your problems. Be warned this also means you end up looking at a low resaloution screen.

Then go into the control panel and Add Remove programs.

Somewhere in that lot is the reinstall explorer. This should cure most of your problems.

13th December 2002, 21:55
While in safe mode

Click START>RUN type in MSCONFIG and click OK.

Then go to STARTUP (DO NOT touch any others), and uncheck all boxes. Then after you have rebooted, tick a couple, and reboot. This way it should be able to work out which program is causing a problem, and then click back all the rest, and leave that one blank, or uninstall it.

13th December 2002, 22:41
Explorer as far as I know is completely unrelated to Internet Explorer it's a shortened name for Windows Explorer which is a core part of your operating system. A lot of people get problems with it once you have had your OS running for a while and generally most people end up reinstalling their OS and starting a fresh.

What OS you using? Try Start>Programs>Accessories>System Tools>System Restore which takes you back a few days depending on what you select. Only Windows ME onwards though so if you have 98 your fooked.


29th December 2002, 13:05

If you are still having a problem, or you hit the same problem again and you're using Windows 98, try these two.

Click RUN, type in sfc, then click OK. Run the System File Checker and watch out for the files that keep showing as errors. If you're asked to RESTORE, the DLL's should be in your Windows 98 folder or in the System folder. Restore them from one of those locations.

If that doesn't work, close down to DOS and type in scanreg /fix - note the space after scanreg.

If that doesn't work, go to MY COMPUTER, then C, then WINDOWS>OPTIONS>CABS. Then find the setup file to re-install your operating system - there should be an option that re-installs Windows but retains your current files. If this succeeds and the error still exists, go back and do a complete reformat.

If you didn't need this advice, then OK. But remember the sfc and scanreg /fix for future reference. If you haven't got Windows 98.........

Good Luck

29th December 2002, 13:20
i found out the problem it was that stupid Xupiter.com
thanx anywayz:D