View Full Version : My Computer has had a stroke!

2nd April 2005, 14:13
Dont know quite what has happened - but yesterday there was a power failure which lasted for a second or two.......however, this caused my computer screen and all of the applications open at the time to freeze.....

Ever since this all the applications and software run very , very slowly.......and the scrolling of pages produces a ripple effect....

Is this due to hardware or Window damage.......wot should I do....: :yikes:

Thanks in advance guys......

2nd April 2005, 14:19
First off open 'Taskmanager' and see what is using up your CPU resources, to do this right mouse click on the task bar and select 'Task Manager', if not showing whats using your resources and you have XP try a 'system restore' and see if that helps.

Maybe worth downloading some software to scan your memory for damage as your system maybe paging it's memory hence the slowdown.


2nd April 2005, 14:25
Run scandisk first

2nd April 2005, 14:47
Thanks guys , will try this.....

2nd April 2005, 14:49
The wavey effect is a graphics driver issue i think, Keith will know.

2nd April 2005, 14:50
More than likely a corrupt file, you need to force a Scandisk when it boots up