View Full Version : Excitement!!!

6th April 2005, 19:55
Just thought I'd share my excitement about the next three days with some like minded folks.

I've got a week off work and three great days of racing ahead with (fingers crossed) some nice winners to come. :yikes: Good Luck to everyone and hopefully by Saturday evening we'll all be sat with a grin of satisfaction having just won a fortune. :D

6th April 2005, 20:04
Well at least it won't be random like the flat form at the moment :doh

6th April 2005, 20:05
Well at least it won't be random like the flat form at the moment :doh

I like random at the moment - it's given me two 25/1 winners this last week! :)

6th April 2005, 20:07
Typical early season annoyance at the moment. We've got completely the opposite problem at Aintree over the next few days, with 100's of formlines to compare!!! :yikes:

6th April 2005, 23:01
I agree , great meeting Aintree - always is......

Form is never random:yikes:.........a horse cant hide its form - only jocks and trainers can do that:yikes:........sometimes yer right:laugh and sometimes yer wrong:yikes:

Good luck guys...

6th April 2005, 23:13
want some entertainment merl i'm play betty poker and pissed you joining in or what

6th April 2005, 23:17
I cant think of any greater entertainment mate than playing poker with a ¨pissed Geordie¨:laugh......

Only thing is , I dont play the game.........:yikes:......Of course , I know how to play.....but have no interest in the game..............Good Luck.......get the Newcky Broons in.......

6th April 2005, 23:19
i do tend to play better when i'm pissed and there is nobody i know playing against me

6th April 2005, 23:20
game started

7th April 2005, 00:47
85 runners... Easy... :laugh.... The Big thing for the National is the Going IMO (and a lot of others) so i'm taking that into account when sorting out my bets..