View Full Version : Test Page

6th April 2005, 23:11

Would some of the IT Gurus take a look at this template for me http://volunteerbrazil.com/testtemplate.html ..... Opinions on whether you think it would work or not....ignore for the moment the images I have inserted.....just temporary.....

One question though.......how would I change the background colour from the orrible, dull grey.......I have the colour codes - but what will I be looking for in the HTML Code......? to change it......


6th April 2005, 23:34
Deleted post as it as messed up the page :doh :D

6th April 2005, 23:36
In the body style tag, remove the reference to the background. Then change the one for Background-Color to whatever colour codes you want.

6th April 2005, 23:38
Doesn't work from here. The plane photo is cut in half and the same problem with the blue box above that.

6th April 2005, 23:38
Won't let me add the html code to the post for some reason :doh

6th April 2005, 23:40
SP.... :) :) :)

6th April 2005, 23:58
Thanks SP and Glos.....guess its not the one to use then....

Glos - the plane photo is supposed to be like that.... I think....:yikes:

Back to the template search then.....

Think I have taken on a big project for someone of my limited IT knowledge....However, I wont be beat.........Ļas I said to my lady last night.....:laugh

7th April 2005, 00:04

The plane image has probably been sliced to assist with the table layout that the page is using. Unfortunately, on my screen, the entire table that the whole page resides in is stretched so that I end up seeing the plane as two separate halves of the whole image.

I suspect that also accounts for the blue box being split in half too.

If I may make a suggestion, I'd consider starting off with smaller ambitions and then build up from there. Just a simple page with a logo and perhaps one or two pictures to begin with. You can use text to explain what volunteerbrazil is all about and provide contact details within the text. That way you'll have a web presence to start with and you'll find it's easier to learn as you go along.

At the end of the day, it's the textual content that people will want to read rather than all the bells and whistles of navigation, pictures, etc. That can all be added at a later date when you're more comfortable with HTML, XML, Perl, CSS etc.

7th April 2005, 00:11
Good Advice Glos - as usual......I strongly favour your suggestion......hopefully within 6 months or so, I would have gained adequate knowledge and experience to be able to replace the site with something that I will continue to work on in the meantime.....

I should have known better -KISS -

You know how it is though - part of the human condition to try and run before we can walk......particularly with exciting new projects....... :yikes:

7th April 2005, 00:13
Don't worry about it - we've all been there :D

If you need a hand, I can rattle off a simple page(s) for you if you provide the text for them and a couple of small pics. A few instructions such as what kind of color scheme you had in mind, perhaps a sketch of the proposed layout (doesn't matter how rough you do it - symbols in Notepad will suffice), what goes on what page, etc.

7th April 2005, 07:56
What editor are you using? You can get NAMO 5 off Shareaza as they give it away for free on magazines now anyway.

That pic of the girls with the umbreallas, can I have the one on the right as a play thing :D

7th April 2005, 08:22
That pic of the girls with the umbreallas, can I have the one on the right as a play thing :D

You want to play with an umbrella? :yikes:

7th April 2005, 13:27
Thanks guys....

Glos......extremely generous of you , thank you......I will certainly need your help ....but for now, I have found something that I am happy to run with as a first go......check it out - many errors and things to do.......but OK to start with I think (I have of course lowered my standards to atart with - after your advice...).....


Keith - she is one horny girl that one.........very nice too..........lives near me.........my God the wife would kill me.....:laugh.....musnt think such things......:yikes:

8th April 2005, 00:55
I am using the hosts editor Keith - they have 3 options with the package........The Wizard:yikes:........a Visual (wysiwyg) and a text (html).....

You cannot combine the Wizard with the other 2 editors..........so I am using visual and text...........which is good for me....coz it does help in understanding HTML.....although I suppose using Visual Editor in the long term hinders the learning process.....