View Full Version : At Last......

9th April 2005, 18:30
I think I have finally got something to work with now....though the Header needs more attention!

The 5 Main Pages are linked........just have to do the 20 or so links now.......:yikes:

Feedback appreciated - good or bad.......especially from GLOS, KEITH, JOHN, and anyone else of course.....cept Veg.....:laugh


9th April 2005, 18:32
Nice one Merlin... :)

I didn't give you feedback, cos I forgot, but thanks anyway. :D

I will do though; the latest version I have seen of your website looks extremely professional and well laid-out.

Top marks to you, and good luck with Volunteer Brazil. :)

9th April 2005, 18:42
Very professional. When you've finished I'll give you a list of sites you can do for me for around 50 domain names :yikes:

I think he's sleeping with Bill Gates :D

9th April 2005, 18:48
Same here. Had a look at the last one you posted but then forgot to provide feedback - sorry. Probably a good thing I didn't though as this looks very much better. Well done.

The page centering looks much better and there are no obvious HTML formatting errors in my browser. If I had a slight criticism it's still to do with the pictures. I can see that you've resized them to a consistent size on each page which is good - but some of them do look "stretched". I've seen a couple where the people look like they've been on a crash diet for months they're now so thin and that poor jaguar on the Brazil Info page looks very emaciated :D You might want to think about cropping your pics to fit the IMG placeholder (or cropping them to multiples of the desired size) rather than use the IMG tag itself to resize them.

I'm also unsure if there should be tab images over the remaining links? To the left of the Brazil Info it does look as though there is the vestigial remains of a tab but that's only a minor point * - the main thing is that the site loads fast and looks good on the eye.

* Just read what you said about the header so I assume you've got this in hand :)

9th April 2005, 19:00
Thanks for your feedback guys.......

Fine logic on the picture issue Glos....I am discovering that there aernt many short cuts that work properly using HTML -

Thanks guys...

9th April 2005, 19:22
Yeah, HTML is very much a jack of all trades and master of none! It's not really an effective page description language which most assume it to be which is why we have to handle bolt-ons like CSS.

It's always best to have your graphics as close to the intended size as possible for two reasons. One I've already mentioned is aesthetic in that the final pic will look as intended on the HTML page but the other is to do with page-rendering speed.

The second reason is that you should always stipulate the height and width attributes in your IMG tags - even if the final pic is exactly the size you want. If you don't set these attributes, the HTML code will wait for the picture to be downloaded before it loads the rest of the page whereas, if you provide the width and height, the browser allocates the required space and continues to download the remainder of the page while the pic is downloading. That's why you find some pages, e.g. the Racing Post, take an age to download because your browser is waiting for all the pics to arrive. Even though the text looks like it's appeared, if you switch back and forth between another browser window, you'll see that the RP page goes blank again as it waits for all those horsey pics to arrive. This forum, on the other hand, does have height/width attributes on the images so we can read the text while we wait for the pics to catch up.

The best way to resize pics is to:
a) resize them in an external graphic program but keep the aspect ratio the same or
b) crop the images first to the size (or multiples of the size) you require.

I'd add a third tip too. Once you've got your pics resized to the correct ratio, you can then use the height/width attributes to resize them without any corresponding increase in either your HTML filesize or the download speed. Just make sure you maintain the height/width ratio whenever you do this.

9th April 2005, 20:37
Just remember to add the words

PORN NUDITY and LESBIAN twhen you add your site
to search engines :laugh :laugh

9th April 2005, 20:53
..so you can find it eh Vegy :D

10th April 2005, 00:49
Just remember to add the words

PORN NUDITY and LESBIAN twhen you add your site
to search engines :laugh :laugh

How about Leytan Oriant - what a traffic booster.......:yikes: