View Full Version : Credit Card Sales online....

14th April 2005, 18:33
Hi Guys,

Has anyone got any reccomends or steer well clear of companies for accepting credit cards online......?

I am looking at Charge.com - but their commision rates are 5.50% :yikes:

Thanks in advance........Merl.

14th April 2005, 18:37
Paypal are one of the biggest and cheapest and work worldwide, but I've heard of a few problems with them - I've not had any hassle though. Others would be Worldpay (high commission), or Nochex - lower commission. I'm sure there will be a few other good suggestions from some of the other guys....

14th April 2005, 18:44
Thanks Big C...

14th April 2005, 19:04
The only other one I know of (and have no experience of I must add) is Neteller

14th April 2005, 19:20
I use this script Merl, http://www.amember.com/ , it allows about 50+ plugins you can use such as Paypal, Nochex, Worldpay, etc, so covers base if you want, and is very flexible, and they install it for you if your not tech savvy.

14th April 2005, 19:39
Great - Thanks Guys........

Nice tools on that site Keith.........Brilliant stuff...............