View Full Version : Opinions required

14th April 2005, 21:22
Just messing about with a new look so, as I know a lot of you use non-compliant browsers :D, I'd appreciate it if you can let me know if this works or not.
It's heavily reliant on Flash, XML, CSS, and inline frames so it'll probably all fall over...best to check now before progressing any further.


Main things that would be useful to know are:

Does it look okay on different monitors?
Do the links work?
Is the flash stuff working?
Any significant delay in downloading?
Does the popup link work (that's the one under Flash Stuff/Tutorials/Tutorial 1 in the nav)


14th April 2005, 21:25
What does this mean...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed sit amet massa in urna tristique tristique. Nullam fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Ut egestas purus at nisl. Donec at nisl at odio hendrerit facilisis. Proin at risus. Aenean eu ipsum a orci accumsan elementum. Nam adipiscing. Vivamus facilisis, libero at iaculis tristique, urna pede commodo lectus, porttitor tempor libero diam et tellus. In ultrices. Cras faucibus purus rhoncus quam. Morbi arcu elit, tempor in, dapibus nec, vulputate id, diam. Vestibulum non tellus. "

14th April 2005, 21:25
Links page & "Flash stuff" not working. Maybe they're not meant to :)

14th April 2005, 21:28
That's the standard "page-filler" or dummy text that's used in the printing and typesetting industry. It's supposed to look like real text to help laying out the pages.

Sorry Worky, I should've mentioned that only the CV and Contact me links work - all the others take you to that Lorem Ipsum stuff at the moment. But at least I know the navigation works for you, ta :)

Added separate dummy pages to check all of the navigation. Should be clearer now.

14th April 2005, 23:50

If you got any time - could you take a look at this for me....


(I can sent you the html if you need it of course....)

I just need something more to make the form work......been working on this now for days.......I just cant solve it........coz of course , my html stinks....:laugh

Anyone else can help if they wish.....:yikes:

14th April 2005, 23:53
Shouldn't you be asking me first... as a future employee :laugh :laugh

14th April 2005, 23:53
Didnt you get the rejection letter?


14th April 2005, 23:56
I thought that was a contract of offer...

that's why I signed my computer screen on the dotted line! :laugh

15th April 2005, 00:15
Eek! I don't know what you're using to put your HTML together but I just had a look and it's almost indecipherable. That's no criticism of what you've done, I think it's the editor you're using.

Anyway, the form "works" but I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with it. Are you trying to capture the info provided so that it can be stored on your server? If so, you'll need some kind of CGI program (Common Gateway Interface) that can take the data and convert it into something more meaningful such as adding it to a database. Alternatively you can use javascript in conjunction with the form to compose an email that contains the pertinent info.

From the formatting of the HTML it looks like you've used MS Frontpage in which case you don't need to use CGI or Javascript. What you will need, however, are Frontpage extensions to be installed on your web server. Some ISPs provide them automatically but usually you have to ask for them.

15th April 2005, 00:24
Thanks Glos........I told you my html stinks......didnt know what html meant until 3 weeks ago...:laugh

Alternatively you can use javascript in conjunction with the form to compose an email that contains the pertinent info.THIS IS WHAT I AM AFTER......

15th April 2005, 00:47
W2W browser crashed again...grrrr!

What I was saying is that there are a number of ways to get a response from the user emailed to you.

1. Strictly speaking it's not really allowed for javascript to send emails from forms as it can be abused. But if you want to give it a try, here's an example you can play with:

2. You can use your Frontpage forms but you have to ask your ISP to install the extensions for you providing they're able to do so. Some server technology won't allow them.

3. You can use 'mailto:me@mydomain.com' in the action field of the form as per the following example:

FirstName:[input type="text" name="FirstName"]
Email:[input type="text" name="Email"]
[input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"]

Replace the brackets with less/greater than signs. It's not ideal as you can't format the final email but it means you don't have to mess with any of the other methods.

4. The best way is to use a formmail script. Most ISPs will provide one but you can find plenty if you do a search on that term. They'll usually come in PHP or Perl so pick whichever one is supported by your server. If it's Perl you'll need to have access to the CGI directory on your host server - usually cgi-bin. Again there are plenty of tutorials available to lead you through this.

Fingers crossed this attempt to post works.

15th April 2005, 01:45
Your a diamond Glos.........thank you.....will attempt to get the form to work using your gratefully received info..........

15th April 2005, 01:52
Failing that, there are places that will host forms for you and email you the feedback


15th April 2005, 07:23
Looks good Glos, all links fine, layout very good colour scheme easy on the eye.

This is on a Laptop using IE6 1024X768 res

15th April 2005, 07:26
Not enough sexy ladies on it Merl, you need to cater for us perverts you know :D

15th April 2005, 12:05
A female beach volleyball page would suffice, for now. :D

15th April 2005, 12:14
Here's one to start you off

15th April 2005, 23:36
Not enough sexy ladies on it Merl, you need to cater for us perverts you know :D

:laugh:laugh - working on it.....

My wife saw the site the other day......she screamed you horny B******.....

I said - its all about marketing....dont mean anyfing....:yikes:

Guys - especially Glos..........managed to sort this form out today.......thanks to all the information posted here......didnt actually use any of it eventually - but it sure did guide me......and has improved my coding a little......:laugh

This is a free forwarding service that I have used - ......there are a couple of ads on it.....but I will take them off soon.......:yikes:

Be great if a few of you could click on the link and try out the form for me....:yikes:


16th April 2005, 00:11
Tested it and it seems fine. Got to the confirmation screen, clicked continue so you should receive something.

If you're looking for an ad-free forwarding service, this one seems pretty good

16th April 2005, 00:18
Cheers Glos - it works:yikes:

Did you get redirected to the thank you page...?

16th April 2005, 01:18
Didn't notice if it was a thank you page - just saw something about my message being forwarded amidst a host of adverts and pop-ups.

16th April 2005, 07:41
Just completed the form Merl, and found the thankyou page at the bottom.......

16th April 2005, 14:31
Just completed the form Merl, and found the thankyou page at the bottom.......

Thanks mate - I see you applied for my favourite project.......the rehabilation of Prostitutes.......:laugh.........

(actually, I am looking at getting involved in this project for real....):yikes:

16th April 2005, 14:36
Can I be a tester to see if they have been rehabilitated :D

16th April 2005, 16:05
So you get to teach them to still do the same acts, but not to charge :D

28th April 2005, 14:45
I've made a change and added a calendar gizmo thing to the navigation. I'd be obliged if someone could let me know if it (a) works, (b) is intuitive to operate, (c) looks okay particularly on a monitor smaller than 19".


Still no content added but I'll be shoving that all up in the next few days. Cheers and thanks for the feedback so far :)

28th April 2005, 14:49
but I'll be shoving that all up in the next few days. :)
Ooer missus. :)
All the links work Glos and the calender, what are the highlighted days?

28th April 2005, 14:50
Has anyone commented on how painful that background is on my eyes yet?

Not keen on the colour scheme at all Glos I'm afraid.

28th April 2005, 14:52
They're whatever I want them to be.
If you click on them, it should tell you the significance of the highlighting. At the moment it's just reading data from an XML file so, for proof of concept, I've bunged in a few bank holidays and stuff for the next 2 years. What I plan to do is also highlight dates when I upload new stuff. In that instance you'll get a description and a link.

28th April 2005, 14:52
Oh yeah and wtf is it with the mushrooms? :)

28th April 2005, 14:54
They're two of the most sedate colours it's possible to combine :D

Thanks for the feedback though - at the moment the W2W count is 1 for and 1 against although almost all of the other feedback I've received is in favour :)

28th April 2005, 14:56
Oh yeah and wtf is it with the mushrooms? :)

In the ads you mean? I noticed that earlier too. Seems that Google has picked up on the Shroom name. :yikes:

That will change as I add more focused content.

28th April 2005, 14:59
They're two of the most sedate colours it's possible to combine :D
But in thin diagonal stripes? I think need pasteling down a bit

28th April 2005, 14:59
One thought strikes me about the dates - because all of the data is in an editable XML file, I can create custom versions. For instance a calendar with all the race meetings for the coming year, major sporting events, moon phases or whatever :)

28th April 2005, 15:00
Point taken about the stripes. That's just a small 2 byte background graphic that's easy enough to zap. Cheers.

28th April 2005, 15:01
Colours are fine by me but it gives it an old fashioned appearance, almost antique looking if you know what I mean.

28th April 2005, 15:02
There you go - try now :D
You'll possibly have to refresh your browser to eradicate those darn stripes!

28th April 2005, 15:03
I added the stripes to accentuate the content area - to draw the eye of the reader in, so to speak. But if it ain't working, that's not a problem :D

28th April 2005, 15:04
Colours are fine by me but it gives it an old fashioned appearance, almost antique looking if you know what I mean.

That's probably 'cos you're not gay enough in these modern times, mate :D :D

28th April 2005, 15:09
Good point mate, I'd not taken that into account. :laugh

28th April 2005, 15:15
There you go - try now :D
You'll possibly have to refresh your browser to eradicate those darn stripes!Better. If I was being fussy (and I may as well be since you asked for feedback :) ) I prefer some sort of outline to my scroll bar so I can tell where it is, if you know what I mean. With the scroll bar you have at the minute the yellow bit or the green bit could be the scroller. You need an outline on the green bit to effectively raise it out of the yellow

28th April 2005, 15:22
Not a problem. I shall set to it and rectify that ommission forthwith.

P.S. Now I remember another reason for the stripes. They helped demarcate the scroll bar area :anger