View Full Version : my mouse won't work

18th April 2005, 13:15
i need help

my mouse will not work at all, the cursor just will not move ??

i have tried turning pc off and plugging in another mouse which i know works 100% but nothing happens with that one as well

i ve gone a full day without football manager now :( :(

Stewards enquiry
18th April 2005, 13:19
Have you tried unplugging computer for a few minutes.

18th April 2005, 13:20
Have you tried unplugging computer for a few minutes.

will try that when i get home

19th April 2005, 05:56
If it's a PS/2 port mouse, and you have unplugged it whilst the computer is turned on, it is more than likely you have blown your PS/2 port.

Your alternative is to buy a USB mouse - USB is hot-swappable meaning you can plug in/unplug the mouse whilst your PC is switched on.

If, however, this isn't your case, I don't have a clue! :)

19th April 2005, 07:54
If it's a PS/2 port mouse, and you have unplugged it whilst the computer is turned on, it is more than likely you have blown your PS/2 port.

Your alternative is to buy a USB mouse - USB is hot-swappable meaning you can plug in/unplug the mouse whilst your PC is switched on.

If, however, this isn't your case, I don't have a clue! :)

i think you right john cheers

i found out the missus decided to dust around the computer desk ::swear and in doing so moved the pc and the mouse was unplugged while i was downloading something ::swear
i will go for the usb mouse from now on

19th April 2005, 11:37
Could try feeding it some cheese? :doh

19th April 2005, 13:06
Could try feeding it some cheese? :doh
You've been watching too many esure adverts vegy :laugh


19th April 2005, 13:06
Calm Down Dear... :D
it's only a forum message!