View Full Version : Screen view

Micky T
18th April 2005, 22:18
when i am on the forum it does not fit on the page properly and i have to scroll accross to read the longer post,

it is now starting to annoy me, how do i change it to fit on the screen

18th April 2005, 22:34
The page should resize to fit your monitor but there are a couple of things you can do:

1. Increase your screen resolution. Start, Control Panel, Display, Settings, then slide the Screen Resolution setting one or more notches to the right.

2. Reduce the text size. In IE, click View, Text Size

3. Resize or close your Search/Favourites/History panel on the left. Resize it by holding your mouse over the vertical grey bar and waiting for the cursor to change to a double-headed arrow. Close it by clicking on the X in the upper left corner of the panel.

One of those, or a combination, should help.

19th April 2005, 07:19
Which browser? Never heard it happen on IE before.

You could always try CTRL+SHIFT+REFRESH