View Full Version : Which is the best Broadband ?

25th April 2005, 11:23
We have just got access to Broadband, at last.. we need the best package.. 3 computers need to acces it, I need fastest speed.. no one bothers much with graphics but daughter downloads music ..
any advice please, or companies to steer clear of ? My PC shop recommends BT but I need comparisons from people who use it all the time..Thanks :hearty

25th April 2005, 11:36
Tesco charge 19-97 per month.
520 thingys pr second...
No limits on downloads and time etc!

25th April 2005, 12:22
I use NTL also have the Sky TV package through them, its a bit more than mentioned above , I think I pay £20 something but i have the 750K which is pretty quick and i have had it for 2 years and so far had no complaints. How it compares to any other I am unsure of but i find it V Reliable.

Hope this helps.


25th April 2005, 12:26
Go here to see BT's different pacakges - I personally wouldn't get too bothered about the monthly usage, if you have 30gb a month then I cant see you going over it, no matter how much your daughter downloads - theres only so many songs out there. These limits are in place to stop the hardcore downloaders taking advantage, for instance people downloading whole movies, burning them to disc and selling them.

On the left hand side click "Explain Monthly Usage", then underneath where it says "What does this mean" click the "Broadband Usage Calculator" link and you can workout which service you need based on how much you will be downloading.

I don't know where you live suze but I think Bulldog is a pretty impressive package in the south, type your postcode in just to check http://www.bulldogbroadband.com/business/index.asp

25th April 2005, 12:30
I use NTL also have the Sky TV package through them, its a bit more than mentioned above , I think I pay £20 something but i have the 750K which is pretty quick and i have had it for 2 years and so far had no complaints. How it compares to any other I am unsure of but i find it V Reliable.

Hope this helps.


David, if you have the NTL 750k package, you can upgrade to 2mb for FREE!!

Check out http://www.ntlworld.com/data-feeds/editorial/microsites/tierMigration/

It worked fine for me....


25th April 2005, 12:34
Actually Suze I just checked Bulldog in the nottingham area and 4mb broadband is available so give it a check in your area.

25th April 2005, 12:36
Second thoughts, looks like a rip off, sorry. I think they're one of the only companies to offer 4mb broadband and so they charge more. You don't need broadband that fast.

25th April 2005, 12:42
They include line rental in the £30, looks decent to me.

Stewards enquiry
25th April 2005, 13:05


I have just spent 3 hours on the telephone listening to recorded messages and talking to people who keep telling me different things and I am still no further forward.I will go and have a lie down now and try another day to get some sense out of them

25th April 2005, 15:58
bt is quite good but try and cancell it and you can't you just keep paying and paying no matter what you do and you have to wait approx 30 minutes if/when you need to talk to them

25th April 2005, 18:34
You need a package that includes a;
"4 port wireless router/ADSL modem" if you want to connect others to it.

25th April 2005, 21:21
You need a package that includes a;
"4 port wireless router/ADSL modem" if you want to connect others to it.

ooooooo Keith you just made my head spin :yikes:

25th April 2005, 21:23
Thanks all.. we are in deep rural Gloucestershire, so nothing with cable or etc.. can`t even have satellite tv because we`re a listed building and can`t put the dish up...
looks like it has to be one of the standard bigger companies..I`ll investigate BT and also onetel making sure I have the package with all the bells and whistles Our Leader recommends. Thanks a lot for the input all round.. everyone v helpful as always.. :hearty

26th April 2005, 06:54
Take a look at www.plus.net all prices are upfront, and they can include the router you need. I've used them for 5 years no problem, and a few others on here use them.

I have a download limit of 75GB's, but even though I get 24/7 porn (from www.sheephumping.com ) I've never reached the limit.

26th April 2005, 08:13
I'll bet more of the folk on here will have clicked the second link than the first one.... :yikes:

26th April 2005, 08:22
....including you :D

How come that domain name is registered to a Mr Vegy :yikes:

26th April 2005, 08:23
If it hasnt been mentioned already avoid NTL at all costs, cancelled my broadband due to constant down time and they keep sending me bills :censored:

Theyre useless imho

26th April 2005, 10:30
.. can`t even have satellite tv because we`re a listed building and can`t put the dish up...

Put one in your garden, I've not studied UHF comms in any great detail but I dont think having the receiver next to a brick wall is a pre-requisite. :)
On the broadband front, I use Tiscali, never had a problem, well happy, BUT a few on here have had problems with them so, there's some useless info for you. Ooo

27th April 2005, 23:36
Hi Susan,

At home I use AOL home networking through a four port router. Four puters connected around the old hovel. Sometimes I switch for my laptop or Xbox. Works great. On 24/7 no download limits. I have it set for auto connect on the router when it boots, because the AOL 9 software is rubbish. Rarely use it, only for occasional Email check.....

Hope you find what you are looking for.....


28th April 2005, 10:03

try nildram exellent service and cheap enough at £24.99 per month for 2.3mb and unlike some companies you get an actual speed of 2.1mb where on someone like bt you only average around 1.8mb

28th April 2005, 21:53
Take a look at www.plus.net all prices are upfront, and they can include the router you need. I've used them for 5 years no problem, and a few others on here use them.

I have a download limit of 75GB's, but even though I get 24/7 porn (from www.sheephumping.com ) I've never reached the limit.

PLUS.NET.. Keith, or someone.. please would you have a look for me at the new plus premier ? It seems fine technically but I cannot work out if they are charging a lot more than other people.. they have some sort of loyalty bonus which makes your annual payments decrease but it looks v complicated.. also they talk about 4 and 8 mb 'coming soon' ... monthly charge seems to vary from 21.99 up to 59.99 depending what you want but I can`t get my head round the differences...
Advice please.. thanks for all te help.. EYR, I would never have AOL, sorry, too many things they are incompatible with...haven`t heard of NILDRAM I`ll check it out.

28th April 2005, 22:00
Nildram`s package talks about '50GB fair use limit during peak hours..' Is this enough and what happens if I over-use it ? do they all have peak hour limit ?

29th April 2005, 07:46
I think Plus.Net are reducing their prices, and launching a new service today, or Monday......it's today just checked :)

Whichever you go for, to connect your other computers you WILL need a wireless router, or they won't work. And then a couple of cheap wireless receivers for 2 of your other computers, or a plug in PCMIA (for laptop) or USB .

This is for a Laptop....http://www.dabs.com/uk/Search2/Product+Details.htm?quicklinx=15MH&searchphrase=wireless
And for a desktop...http://www.dabs.com/uk/Search2/Product+Details.htm?quicklinx=39JV&searchphrase=wireless
And you DO NEED a wireless router to plug into the modem...http://www.dabs.com/uk/Search2/Product+Details.htm?quicklinx=311B&searchphrase=wireless%20router

As for the service required....http://www.plus.net/products/option.html?type=premier&speed=2000&contract=FreeActivationAnnual&hardware=usb&x=45&y=12&js=1
2MB....free installation.....and free USB modem....£21.99/month

29th April 2005, 08:42
Nildram`s package talks about '50GB fair use limit during peak hours..' Is this enough and what happens if I over-use it ? do they all have peak hour limit ?


50gb during peak hours is a lot to use up and after 6pm (off peak hours) there is no limit so like me all your downloading can be done at night where possible and you don't need to worry about limits, if you do go over 50gb i think its something like £1.75 per 1gb


29th April 2005, 10:15
75GB limit on PlusNet, but they don't mind if you go over now & again, although 75GB is about 20 days none stop porn.......so Vegy tells me :D

29th April 2005, 14:39

UKonline look very good for broadband, (upto 8meg) and their download limit is 500GB :D

That's 500 not 50 or even 30 like most other ISP's but 500 :)


29th April 2005, 14:43
Just to explain why the broadband prices have dropped alot recently, this is due to datastream being used and not ipstream, not all exchanges have the ISP's equipment in them and therefore no datastream is possible.

I still believe datastream will be very very contended over time but we'll just have to wait and see.


29th April 2005, 14:45
I've just cancelled my Tiscali subscription. After a look round I can get more speed for less money, but I never had a problem with them. I've heard rumours that they're a nightmare to disconnect from. They don't supply migration codes, but my contract ends whilst I'm away and BT will take up to 10 days to clear the line. Should be clear when I get back.

29th April 2005, 14:51
and BT will take up to 10 days to clear the line

Todays the 12th day after I cancelled and Tiscali still have their ADSL marker on my line so I cannot get broadband elsewhere, I've had several problems with them in the past so would not recommend them in any shape or form.


6th May 2005, 18:16
Today is now the 20th day since I cancelled with Tiscali and they still have their ADSL marker on my line which means I am still unable to get broadband from another ISP, I've been on the phone 4 times today alone and still getting nowhere with the useless tw@ts.

Annoyed......... yep!


6th May 2005, 18:19
Is there no governing body you can report too?

6th May 2005, 18:49
(you'll need to tell them Tiscali doesn't give details of their ADR procedure)
all these taken from http://www.the-scream.co.uk/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=8

6th May 2005, 18:50
Spamfest. :laugh :laugh :laugh

7th May 2005, 00:02
Cheers Sparky, indeed Workshy as Sparky indicated ISPA & Oftel were two I was going to contact along with Watchdog, I know it sounds silly but the more people complaining the more people will recognise a problem with ISP's such as Tiscali.

I'm hesitating contacting them at the moment as I never detailed and kept records of all my problems with Tiscali over the time I have been with them and therefore feel they may dismiss my complaint as immature, if Tiscali removed their marker from my line tomorrow it would all be over hence my hesitation.

At the moment I'm using 56k again after about 4 yrs of broadband which is a culture shock to say the least, my warnings about Tiscali are sincere so if anyone is looking for a new broadband supplier think twice before you choose Tiscali.


7th May 2005, 02:14
I get sick of telling people not to go with BT, Wanadoo, or Tiscali, as they are a disaster at some point, but then some people think they know better, including my sister, and signed up with Tiscali. I'm sitting back now watching the fun while I get 8MB for the same price as 2MB with Plusnet :D (and oodles of extras)

7th May 2005, 02:20
I get sick of telling people not to go with BT, Wanadoo, or Tiscali

I would'nt mind, I never even signed up with Tiscali :yikes:

I signed up with WorldOnline for Broadband then a year or two later Tiscali purchased them :(


7th May 2005, 02:36
I was on WorldOnline a few years back, but switched the day after they announced they were selling the company. Phew!! :)

7th May 2005, 10:42
I get sick of telling people not to go with BT, Wanadoo, or Tiscali, as they are a disaster at some point, but then some people think they know better, including my sister, and signed up with Tiscali. I'm sitting back now watching the fun while I get 8MB for the same price as 2MB with Plusnet :D (and oodles of extras)

I've been on Wannadoo (Freeserve) for over 3 years now, never had any issues, very reliable & good customer service too. I will say though, their prices are high. I will be looking to change in the near future.

My Dads on Tiscali and he's not really had any problems either, and they are a fair price. I guess I'll see if its worth him changing when I research regards my own change.

You on commission from plusnet? :D

7th May 2005, 13:25
Nah, could be, but you only get about £1. I should be on commission with AJP, as few members have bought laptops from them :)

7th May 2005, 17:13
I've never had any problems with Tiscali. When I changed my modem to a wireless router they were brilliant with help and advice. It's just as Keith says I can get more for less with a different company. So far they've been OK about the disconnection. Sent me a letter confirming the date and telling me BT will remove the marker on my line within 15 days. We shall wait and see.

8th May 2005, 09:10
I use Demon, they seem alright to me.
£19.99 per month, free set up, free modem, no limits.

8th May 2005, 13:08
I've passed my complaint onto ISPA now so I'll see how far that gets me.


9th May 2005, 20:01
i am with talktalk it costs me 24.99 a month and its unlimited download 1meg also you get free off peak calls in with it so its not to bad at all had no problems so far fingers crossed.

9th May 2005, 20:12
friday i found out that my broadband was being upgraded from 1mb to 2mb free of charge :)

today i found out that the telephone line cannot handle more than 1mb :(

10th May 2005, 01:39
I should be on 8MB when I get back, so that's a few CD's an hour :) I've just bought a 400GB hard drive to hold all the new porn :yikes:

10th May 2005, 12:01
Tesco have reduced their price to 17-97

Every little helps :laugh

10th May 2005, 12:37
...and cut the speed to 17k :doh

10th May 2005, 12:46
I don't need anyone else but Tesco...

they do phones , insurance and now

www.tescodiets.com :laugh :laugh :laugh
You couldn't make it up :laugh

10th May 2005, 14:04
Watch out though, competition..... www.tescofootysim.co.uk :D

10th May 2005, 14:11

13th May 2005, 00:37
I should be on 8MB when I get back, so that's a few CD's an hour :) I've just bought a 400GB hard drive to hold all the new porn :yikes:

With you being on PlusNet commision :wink I thought I would maybe consider getting PlusNet once I'm free of Tiscali but I noticed on PlusNet's website under their terms:-


50.1 Broadband Surf products prohibit the use of file sharing (peer-2-peer) applications or access to any USENET service other than the text feed offered by us. We will actively block such applications and any new applications or services of similar purpose.

Not being able to use p2p or news servers would be a major disadvantage to me, it must be equally difficult for you Keith especially since you expect to fill up your new 400 GB hard drive with new Porn :yikes:

You will have to settle for Ron Jeremy on 'The Farm' on channel 5 :D


13th May 2005, 01:31
You'll probably find something similar in all the T&C for every company, and unlike the big one's will not limit bandwidth usuage unless your abusing it, say 100GB's per month.
Here's the full T&C with no P2P limits. http://www.plus.net/info2/legal/index.html

However, these rules apply only to the basic package for surfing, and not the

If you check on their forum you can use them, as long as it's not over the top, on the PREMIER packages. I probably download at most 5GB's a month. You also get 30:1 ratio on the PREMIER which means when everyone is is downloading, speeds are better. On 50:1, it can slow to less than dialup. All the major companies do not offer 30:1. Also get a fixed IP. http://www.plus.net/residential/broadband/broadband_home_features.shtml

You also get a full business server setup included in the package with all scripts you'd expect on Apache. You may think it's not needed but you may setup a racing web site :yikes:

PS. I don't get commission, not worth the hassle for £1 :)

13th May 2005, 20:46
Keith, can you explain why they will be upgrading you to 8meg and at what price pm ?

I know with UKOnline it's down to their equipment in the customer's exchange therefore no equipment means no 8meg, is this the same with Plus.net and if so under what name would they be using for the equipment because as far as I know Plus.net don't add their own equipment like easynet, bulldog etc.

I'm just trying to decide between UKonline & Plus.net for broadband.


14th May 2005, 02:35
BT switched streams to a more advanced one in March, and are currently upgrading all broadband enabled exchanges, rather quickly considering it took them years to put it in place to begin with. This basically doubled the countries speed for free.

PlusNet had not reduced prices in line with everyone else for the last year, so when they did it with the BT improvements it meant they could offer their high end users an increase from 2MB to 8MB for a one off £15 payment (goes to BT). I pay £40 a month, with a 30:1 contention for this speed.

Customer service at Plusnet has always been A1 with me.

14th May 2005, 04:10
Thx for the info Keith, very much appreciated especially since your on holiday and still have time to answer boring questions such as mine above :wink

Go and relax now will ya :D


19th May 2005, 01:11
Whilst waiting for broadband to be ceased from my line I decided to send both UKOnline and Plus.Net and e-mail asking a few questions about their broadband service, this would give me a little idea on their support structure, technical awareness and generally how helpful the ISP is.

UKOnline took 5 days to reply and they never even read my e-mail, it was a standard bulk e-mail explaining their apologies for the delayed response due to high volumes of support e-mail at present.

This indicates they have problems with their service hence the amount of support e-mail they are receiving, this also indicates they just wanted to get rid of their backlog and start a fresh therefore replying with a standard e-mail and asking their customer to e-mail again is a pretty damn desperate measure.

UKOnline 0/10 :dunker :headbange :dead :bnk :nutter :thechop :flush :splapme

Plus.Net replied within 15 minutes, yes 15 minutes explaining what I needed to know.

Plus.Net 10/10 :clp :happyboun :D :) :wiggle: :rolleyes:

Looks like I will be staying clear of UKOnline as it seems they have outgrown their own company and are stretching themselves trying to repair the damage, I could be wrong but a delayed reply after 5 days not even answering my e-mail left a bad taste in my mouth....... where's my toothpaste :)