View Full Version : Quicktime

29th April 2005, 00:35
I downloaded Quicktime so I could watch that parody of Star wars in the Humour room. Since then whenever i want to watch/listen to anything it takes an age and pops up in a differant window in Quicktime when usually the windows pops up. I've tried to delete it using add/remove programmes but i get the option to "uninstall everything" ( not recommended) or uninstall applications that came with quicktime. I have done the latter and nothing seems differant. The warning says "Removeing quicktime system extensions may cause malfuntion"

Any suggestions?


3rd May 2005, 03:50

3rd May 2005, 13:37
If I were you Jonah I'd go with the first one. Speaking from a personal point of view, anything Windows has told me in the past that is 'not recommended' has usually resulted in more to the point of what I wanted to happen. However, do not do this if you don't feel comfortable in doing so.

3rd May 2005, 13:49
If you're using XP, delete the lot and if something don't work afterwards, do a system restore.

3rd May 2005, 14:04
Not sure as to your problem but I'll offer a potential fix if Im understanding correctly...

Open Windows Media Player, go to "Tools > Options > File Types (tab)"

"Select All" then "Apply". Ok.

:) :doh