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29th April 2005, 20:55
need some help here
xda's are no use to me because of location i think so i looked at a laptop through a g3 connection and was told by shop keeper a centinium prossesor would give me 4-5 hours of battery life. so not being the most trusting of people i got one out switched it on and checked battery life 2.4 hours left at 90% battery charged ok but i can hardly see screen "thats because the screen is turned down to save battery." ok turned screen up now approx 1.4 hours left and i can see the battery life draining. so i asked the simple question if i use the laptop on the internet how long "about 45 mins" came the reply. anybody know what p.c. if any i can use sitting on the beach for 3-5 hours being connected to internet.

29th April 2005, 21:08
If you get a cheap laptop then maybe spend the money you saved on couple of spare batteries.

29th April 2005, 21:29
This is the XDA IIs I have on the Vodafone Network http://www.phones2udirect.co.uk/Products/type/phones/ProductID/5651/NetworkID/6 no problems with it.

If you want a laptop, go to www.ajp.co.uk and you can pick what parts you want. Select the one with 4.5hrs battery, and buy an extra battery. I can get 8.5 hrs out of mine with the two batteries, but 5-6hrs average.

30th April 2005, 01:36
I'd have thought a layer on a beach in Spain would have a solar-powered laptop. :D

1st May 2005, 00:44
what pc have you got keith i'll get one of those if i can get 4-5 hours internt per day out of it that will do me

1st May 2005, 07:28
Your laptop battery might be fine, but I'd imagine you'd need a very long phone extension to be able to connect up to the internet while you're on the beach!

Don't forget that batteries and salt water, as well as sand and hard drives, don't mix either.

1st May 2005, 07:29
They keep updating the models with technology, but this is near enough. Excellent screen & graphics, very fast, http://www.ajp.co.uk/?show=wide_info&id=Z71V

Worth the £99 for an extra battery, it means you can get around 4-5hrs with the screen much brighter.

1st May 2005, 11:29
thanks keith i'll look into it

2nd May 2005, 00:32

Silax, This is the model I got a couple of weeks ago. Went for 1GB RAM so I can open lots of stuff at once. Don`t yet know how battery performance is but it is an impressive machine......

2nd May 2005, 02:06
thanks jj all that is important to me is battery life