View Full Version : Radio commentary

3rd May 2005, 18:17
Anyone know why I can't get any radio commentaries to work. If I click on the icon for radio at any of the bookmaker sites etc I get the player to come up but am unable to get it to play?

Any clues?


3rd May 2005, 21:22
Have you got the latest media versions?

4th May 2005, 00:13
Volume? to obvious perhaps.

4th May 2005, 17:06
Yep, got Windows Media Player 10. With the volume turned up as well. :wiggle:

4th May 2005, 17:09
It just comes up saying "Ready" but nothing happens when I click to play

4th May 2005, 18:21
Does all your other audio thingies work? Try a new driver for your soundcard if not.

4th May 2005, 19:57
Everything else works OK. It's just the commentaries I can't get

4th May 2005, 22:43
have you tried shouting at it

6th May 2005, 11:22
I have shouted at it but not in your Geordie accent. Do you think that would help? Or should I try a bit of cutting scouse? Keith can give me lessons on that one. :D

6th May 2005, 11:32
Sounds to me as if it's a codec problem. Although you have the software installed for the player, the player itself might require a specific codec in order to translate the sound.

Like a modem (modulator - demodulator) a codec (coder - decoder) takes analogue input and converts it into digital output before it's sent over the net or airwaves. At your end, the decoder bit converts it back into an analogue signal so that it can be played.

You can try to download the latest codecs here:

6th May 2005, 11:34
Would it help if I uninstalled Windows Media and downloaded it again and started from scratch?

6th May 2005, 11:36
You can certainly try but if, as you say, everything else works there doesn't seem much point. If it was me, I'd download the codecs first.

6th May 2005, 11:51
Got the codecs but still no joy. Just tried Capital Radio which used to work but that doesn't work now. It does say they are experiencing technical problems but I'm not sure if it's them or me.

6th May 2005, 11:57
Long time no see Bulldog, good to see you back mate.

6th May 2005, 16:20
if shouting hasn't worked (i'm pretty sure it will) then try poking it with a sharp stick

6th May 2005, 16:40
Thought it might just be dirty so i tried cleaning it with some soapy water. Won't know if that's worked until the smoke goes away. Oh, yeah, all the electrics went off just as I poured the water in. What a coincidence having a power cut just at the same time. :doh

Backed Gypsy King earlier today. Thought I got a good price until it opened and drifted. Damn fine jockey that Fallon if a tad misguided at times :wink

3rd June 2005, 16:36
Just downloaded Windows Media Player 10. I think that's the version I already had but now the radio commentary works so I'm a happy bunny