View Full Version : Purchasing Excel

7th May 2005, 15:27
Can I buy EXCEL alone or do I have to hav the whole Offie package ? And whichever, where is the best/cheapest place to buy EXCEL. and don`t say 'from BOI' . :yikes:

7th May 2005, 15:42
If you have anyone in the family involved in any sort of education, be it school, college, uni or whatever, you can get an educational licence for Office - this is the cheapest way to get hold of it 'legally'. Another way is to check the weekly Micro Mart magazine - there you'll find lots of shops selling 'OEM' copies - these are supposed to be bundled with a new PC, but a lot of places sell these copies cheap as you don't get any manuals with them.

Here's the Microsoft link for the Student and Teacher edition...


7th May 2005, 16:19
get hold of 'azureus' and go onto a good torrent site 'torrent spy' (google both). and you can have excel working on your computer in the time it takes to go to PC world and back :) and it's free :D

it's not like billy gates needs the cash. - but it is illegal :( and thats why i would never condone such activity, nor take part in any myself :laugh :wink

7th May 2005, 16:41
I got my Office 2003 from Limewire :D GRATIS !

7th May 2005, 17:30
Great minds think alike Presto. :wink

8th May 2005, 10:59
I got my Office 2003 from Limewire :D GRATIS !


Just downloaded Microsoft Project 2003 from Limewire, but need the product Key to install ... any ideas how to get it?

A eal dumb-ass Big Brother type question : if I use a 'dodgy' copy of this would this have any repercussions on my licence/product key for my legally purchased Office 2003? ... i.e. when I use Microsoft auto-updates that scan your computer?


8th May 2005, 11:23
PM'd you Radders....:)

8th May 2005, 12:06
PM'd you Radders....:)

Thanks Big C,

I'll have a bash.


8th May 2005, 12:17
Thanks Big C,

I'll have a bash.


Hi Big C,

Unfortunately code was invalid.

Thanks for trying. :)

Any other Gurus there?

Thanks & Regards

8th May 2005, 12:20
I'll have another look Radders, that was just the first one I downloaded - there were quite a few others on the system - I'll get back to you shortly

8th May 2005, 12:25
Balls.. the other files are just the same code under a different filename....

8th May 2005, 12:26
I'll have another look Radders, that was just the first one I downloaded - there were quite a few others on the system - I'll get back to you shortly

Good man ... too kind!

Are you in work or at home?

8th May 2005, 12:31
At home just now, a rare full weekend off!

8th May 2005, 13:07
At home just now, a rare full weekend off!

Day off .... Shouldn't be allowed .... no wonder NHS is in decline! :)

Reason for asking was , it's one thing to help out when you're bored, in work, with time on your hands, and it's another level when you take up personal limited free time ... thanks again.


NB I'm sure Tony will sort out all the NHS problems this term ... :anger

8th May 2005, 13:18
radders if you search for a 'Microsoft Project 2003 key generator' - as where theres key's needed, theres often a keygen around :)

8th May 2005, 13:21
radders if you search for a 'Microsoft Project 2003 key generator' - as where theres key's needed, theres often a keygen around :)

Thanks Presto,

New to Limewire & dodgy downloads .... always paid for the official stuff, but I'm trying to draw the line @ £300+ for Project!


8th May 2005, 19:52
Use eMule coupled with The Blocklist Manager (to filter out 'undesirable' IP addresses). Yes, one could download all kinds of software from there, such as - purely as an example you understand :wink - Windows Xp Professional, Microsoft Office Professional 2004, Adobe Photoshop CS and a variety of music, IF one were so inclined :).

8th May 2005, 19:54
As for keygens, I'm sure if someone were to google for, say, "astalavista" and follow (possibly) the first link in google, something could (perhaps) be found :wink

8th May 2005, 19:55
Nice words... Pablo... nice avatar too. :D What is the picture of?

8th May 2005, 19:57
I like the way you worded them too! :)

8th May 2005, 20:05
Too kind, gentlemen :). As for the avatar, John, it's an image from an animé series named "Fullmetal Alchemist", thought I'd use it as it's a little different :).

8th May 2005, 20:06
Very nice Pablo, I have a couple of friends who are Animé fans, have never got deeply into it myself but do like the animated artwork. :wink

9th May 2005, 07:38
As for keygens, I'm sure if someone were to google for, say, "astalavista" and follow (possibly) the first link in google, something could (perhaps) be found :wink

Thanks Pablo
