View Full Version : 2 nuns

7th May 2005, 21:50
2 nuns from ireland had been selected to represent their country for their hard work and dedication to their religion. They had been chosen to go and visit the new pope in rome, so the excited nuns packed their bags and set off in their car and travelled through europe until they reached Italy.

Once in Italy they where driving through rome and come across some english football hooligans. The nuns pulled up at some traffic lights when the hooligans started shouting to them "get your :censored: out for the lads". The first nun said to the other "oh no sister mary, do they know who we are and what we represent? i think you should show them your cross" Sister mary obligied by getting out of the car and shouting at the hooligans "you set of :censored: hooligan :censored: do you know who we are? we are two :censored: nuns here to visit the :censored: pope!!"

7th May 2005, 23:11
Hmmm....I got a big red blob against my name last week with the words swear filter beside it....I said bast**d. And that's actually a legitamite word, in the dictionary and everything....

7th May 2005, 23:14
isnt it an illegitimate word Fadetoblack? :)

7th May 2005, 23:15
It is both. :)

7th May 2005, 23:16
yeah, just my silly word play John - Im the new Frank Muir you know!

7th May 2005, 23:19
:laugh Good word play actually. I was out tonight, but I'm currently fighting with my girlfriend who's downstairs sulking now

7th May 2005, 23:21
FTB, it's not the winning, it's the taking part that counts.

Actually, sod it. Course it's the winning that counts. :D

7th May 2005, 23:24
Tell her the nun joke FTB that will cheer her up. If it don't post and tell us what she says and that will cheer us up. Us single guys love hearing stuff like that, makes us feel not so pathetic and lonely! :)

7th May 2005, 23:29
Oh she's accusing me of fancying some girl that text me earlier....the ironic thing is that she's a lesbian that works in a bookies, and I don't fancy her at all. She's a tempremental old cow though. (the girlfriend)

7th May 2005, 23:31
Hmmm....I got a big red blob against my name last week with the words swear filter beside it....I said bast**d. And that's actually a legitamite word, in the dictionary and everything....

Some people have too much time on their hands mate. Jeez.

7th May 2005, 23:34
The mobile phone was invented by women as as a electronic tagging advice. Text messages are the devils work - If i had a bird I would have one mobile just for her and one for everyone else.

7th May 2005, 23:35
I know....I actually wrote it as bast**d too......so really i was given a red blob for writing... "Have a go at beating this bastd" naughty me.

8th May 2005, 11:32
The answer to the girlfriend problems is simple tell her that if she can't be bothered to trust you she might as well leave as the relationship will not work without trust.

Then put her the the emotional zone of fun uncertainity. The more you show you want her and love her the less she actually likes you. The more you put her in the fun uncertainity zone the more she wants you.

8th May 2005, 12:34
Bloody good advice that.

8th May 2005, 14:13
Sorry FTB if i offended anyone with this joke. I thought it would have been ok cos i never actually wrote any swear words? i used the little censor smilie instead. sorry again. Anyway, good luck wi the mrs!... its true what they say tho "treat em mean, keep em keen"... obviously dont treat her too mean.

8th May 2005, 14:16
Don't worry Andy, you didn't offend anyone; FTB was talking about something slightly different. :)

8th May 2005, 14:17
Sorry FTB if i offended anyone with this joke. I thought it would have been ok cos i never actually wrote any swear words? i used the little censor smilie instead. sorry again. Anyway, good luck wi the mrs!... its true what they say tho "treat em mean, keep em keen"... obviously dont treat her too mean.

Dont worry about that Andy - I doubt anyone could possibly be offended by that joke. As you say you used the appropiate smilie icons which is why they are there.

8th May 2005, 14:17
I doubt if anyone would have been offended by the joke Andy, if they were they need to get a life! I've given FTB some rep back to replace what he lost to the anonymous moaner:)

8th May 2005, 14:26
ok cheers.