View Full Version : pc speakers

12th May 2005, 10:01
anyone know anything about pc speakers?

half the time they work, half the time they dont. the volume and settings are fine, and the speakers are powered on. sometimes they simply dont work though. usually i have to restart, and then they will work. any ideas???

12th May 2005, 10:49
Update the sound driver first, may be some conflicts going on.

12th May 2005, 10:54
PC Speakers

Tony Blair normally tries to be very PC! :doh

12th May 2005, 10:56
PC Speakers

Tony Blair normally tries to be very PC! :doh
Too much ECHO and too many Sound Bytes for my liking :laugh


12th May 2005, 10:57
Have you tried keeping the electric ON???? :)

12th May 2005, 10:59
Keith's suggestion seems to be the best option there wbailey. Especially if you are using XP with SP2. That thing plays havoc with all kinds of stuff, especially if your speakers are using a Legacy setting.....


12th May 2005, 11:13
You mean 50p in the meter?:D

12th May 2005, 11:31
going to try re installing the drivers. no doubt it was the wifevirus that messed them up :)

12th May 2005, 11:32
You need to get a NEW driver (latest), not reinstall. And run AV & Spybot/Adaware just to be safe.

12th May 2005, 11:33
oh, ok, thanks.

17th May 2005, 21:12
when i go to device manager, there are loads of audio options. none of them seem to be the speakers. where are the speaker drivers?? cant seem to see an obvious driver to re-install. im using xp.

17th May 2005, 21:43
You need to upgrade your sound card driver....................................I think.

17th May 2005, 21:47
There are no drivers for speakers - they should be part of the sound/audio drivers. Got to Start, Control Panel, double-click the icon for Sound and Audio then click the Hardware tab. You should see a list of the drivers you've currently got installed and one of them will be for your particular sound card. You should be able to tell which one because, usually, it's the only device that's physically installed in your PC and you can see this if, when you highlight the name, it will appear in the Location line under Device Properties - probably installed in a spare PCI slot. It will also give you the name of the Manufacturer.

Alternatively go to Start, Programs, Accessories, System Information, click on the Sound Device entry and it'll be listed there.

Armed with that information, you can then do a search for the manufacturer's site and then start to look for a newer driver. Alternatively, go back into Device Manager and relocate that particular driver, click on the Driver tab and then the button that says Update driver.