View Full Version : BIG MONEY laying?

17th May 2005, 11:41
Hello, I want to have a go at laying favourites on the Exchanges ( paper trading to start). Is it possible to bet large stakes, ie 1000 or more on normal everyday races? I can understand large amounts being laid on the big races like the Derby or National because the interest is greater, but I'm not so sure about the 'normal' races. Thank you.

17th May 2005, 11:44
You'll be able to get large amounts of cash on favs, yeah. But you may not get it all on at the same odds.

For example if you want to lay a fav to a £1000 stake at 2/1 (3.0) you may get some taken at 3.0 but may have to get the rest taken at 3.1 or 3.2 so your average odds may be 3.12 say. But as long as your not talking several grand on a banded race you should be OK.

Go to Betfair and look at the favs this afternoon and see how much is being traded on them. Look at the cash amounts under the lay odds and also click on the name of the horse for a pop up showing the amounts matched at various odds as well as the amount matched on the market as a whole. That should give you some idea of how this would work.

17th May 2005, 15:55
Careful how you go! ..........
It's a minefield, and there's many a recreational Layer before you that has been busted.

17th May 2005, 17:53
Thi smight sound a bit rude, but its meant with the best of intentions:

If you don't understand the Betfair laying market and the liquidity available and how to work out if what you want to know is true, you shouldn't be playing with such large stakes.

17th May 2005, 18:20
it is eays enough to lay bets of £1000+ on fav's (any class of race), if you look at the betfair graph you will see many individual bets of £2,500+ take place.

but to start off laying to such high ammounts is crazy, even after paper trading for a long time. as to lay a fav to £1000 liability your betting bank should be at least £20,000 but much more realistically £50,000+. this may be petty cash for the likes of bill gates to start having a dabble (for fun) with. but for your everyday punter, my advice wouls be st start with a small bank they are willing to lose, and graduly up stakes as the bank grows.

18th May 2005, 10:44
Thank you all for your advice and warnings..which I will heed. I did say I would only paper trade for now. The reason I raised the question of large stakes is because I saw a lay tipsters site that advises stakes of 10% from a £10000 bank on each lay. I wondered how his dozens? of clients all managed to lump on their thousands on the relatively few qualifiying lays per day.
Thank you once again. I shall start with peanuts rather than coconuts!

18th May 2005, 12:26
10% from a £10000 bank on each lay :laugh He's kidding right? 10% :laugh Ask the Pro layers on here how intelligent a plan that is :)

18th May 2005, 13:37
No kidding Win2Win. Check it out. Deleted Link

Sorry - I know it's more than likely not spam, but it's one rule for all I'm afraid.

18th May 2005, 13:43
That link is SPAM mate and you shouldn't post it. Don't post any racing related links without permission.

18th May 2005, 13:47
45 bets for £99. Seems pretty spammy to me. :wink :)

Profit Seeker
18th May 2005, 13:50
Ive been laying to 10% on a certain subscription as advised, the lays are always very short odds, 75% strike or non strike rate whichever way you look at it. Ive only started with a small bank but its going well for the past 3 months

18th May 2005, 13:57
I think I manage around a 87% SR, but Members will correct me if I'm wrong. They also have a choice whether they just do the odds on shots, or use a higher cut-off, to fit the risk/liabilty they feel comfortable with.

I also let them slate me on the bad days :D

18th May 2005, 16:31
Sorry,no spamming intended,lesson learnt.

18th May 2005, 16:56
Only links to other tipping sites that are given prior permission are allowed. This is just to protect people from visiting rip-off sites. Sites like Peter May, Massey, Flatstats, etc are fine, as they provide a reasonable service. Any mention of Tommo, and Vegy will pay you a visit :sex1

18th May 2005, 17:02
I think I manage around a 87% SR, but Members will correct me if I'm wrong. They also have a choice whether they just do the odds on shots, or use a higher cut-off, to fit the risk/liabilty they feel comfortable with.

I also let them slate me on the bad days :D
YOU ARE WRONG... :anger

It's 87 point something :D

18th May 2005, 17:13
:yikes: Bugger me

18th May 2005, 17:35
Any mention of Vegy, and Tommo will pay you a visit :sex1

Isn't that what you meant?

18th May 2005, 17:39
:laugh He's kidding right? 10% :laugh Ask the Pro layers on here how intelligent a plan that is :)

Win2win turbo plan :doh :yikes:

18th May 2005, 17:43
Yes, but it is clearly pointed out as a very high risk plan, and not one to stick to for pro-gambling, just a kick start, with a high chance of breaking the bank. The above mentioned put forward this as the only plan, no safety included.

18th May 2005, 17:45
Yes, but it is clearly pointed out as a very high risk plan, and not one to stick to for pro-gambling, just a kick start, with a high chance of breaking the bank. The above mentioned put forward this as the only plan, no safety included.

:D You know I was on a wind up Keith!

18th May 2005, 17:46
I'm in the wrong time zone.....good spin though don't you think? :laugh

Profit Seeker
18th May 2005, 18:37
Does everyone here put on all these lays throughout the day or do you have work committments and have to put them on all at once? If you put them on all at once do you go for the pink odds to get matched straight away or the blue odds and hope for a later match?

18th May 2005, 18:45
You could always join as a member, and learn the full details.

But most do both depending on what day it is. Sometimes I put them all on together, like when on holiday, and I've done tonights already as I'm off to bed now...good night :)

19th May 2005, 01:45
You could always join as a member, and learn the full details.

I have nothing to gain by this but wish to post it anyway.

I have never gambled apart from the odd bet every few month's, I hate gambling and I believed it to be a simple way of losing your money, why gamble when you can spend your money on something else that you would actually enjoy.

On here Keith aka Mr Win2Win has a few systems including the 'Pro-Losers' which I believe is an investment and not a gamble since it is based on clear stats that perform over a long period as expected, of course some days on the Pro-Losers we lose money but that is short term and in the whole picture this is only part of the process, I started on the Pro-Losers after searching for month's looking for that perfect system and finding nothing, I found the next best thing........Win2Win's Pro-Losers.

Since I have started on 02/10/04 my bank has increased by 129.87%, I admit I withdraw funds from Betfair rather than building it up but that's me, if I never made any profit using the Pro-Losers I would not be here even if there is a friendly forum :D


19th May 2005, 01:48
I also let them slate me on the bad days :D

Certainly makes the bad days seem less painful :D


Profit Seeker
19th May 2005, 09:18
I hear ya buddy. Im already subscribed to someone at the moment and I dont work so my problem is finding another £35, but Im working on it. Hopefully I'll join soon, looking at TH's past diary the worst runs seem to have come around this time or April at least and October-November so hopefully joining soon will see a nice consistent run to build up a small bank.

19th May 2005, 14:41
try your best not to withdraw the money early, no matter how tempting. i was really stuck for money about 6 months ago and i withdrew money which took me ages to build up. then i hit a good streak, and my balance but very low and i was betting with small amounts, cursing myself for not leaving it in. i know its hard when you are broke, but just stick at it or it will never build up properly.

20th May 2005, 22:54
I would be interested to know from peeps who do the Pro losers and have done for a while, how much their original starting banks were ... and what they are now, rounded up.. for e.g. did people start with 100, 200, 500 ? 50 ? 5,000 ?
jjust a little survey. thanks :hearty

20th May 2005, 23:01
Main Bank = Start £500, Current £4900, Withdrawn £2400 over time, £7300 Gross

Wedding Bank = £650 Start, Ended £4,500 - All withdrawn for the wedding which is 3 weeks tomorrow :yikes: :D

Vegas Bank = £50 Start :yikes:, Ended £900 (after 2½ months), withdrawn to upgrade our flights.

All were/are solely Pro Loser accounts.

Main bank started last July, Wedding bank started last September, Vegas Bank from Late September - December.

20th May 2005, 23:13
Thanks Mark.. interesting. If you started with a 50 bank for your Vegas fund, you must have begun with very very small amounts ? did you lay only the shorter priced losers on this one ? otherwise I don`t see how it could have worked..
and, last question,as there are now only 2 exchanges, how do you have more than 2 accounts ? false beard and moustache ?

20th May 2005, 23:23
start bank £200 current bank = £14689.00. £200 withdrawn to mot car.

Mark would have been using one betfair account but keeping the three banks seperate. As he is doing the same selections on all 3 banks mini stakes would be possible because they would be lumped with the bigger one.

Profit Seeker
20th May 2005, 23:25
Yes Im quite baffled as to how you made a huge amount from £50 in 2.5 months. Looking at TH's diary, a little way into December says that the quarter is just about break even

21st May 2005, 01:54
I started with £100 'bout 14 months ago now it's £1700, mainly pro-losers but with a healthy input from the Flat Decent odds.

21st May 2005, 12:17
[QUOTE=markwales]Main Bank = Start £500, Current £4900, Withdrawn £2400 over time, £7300 Gross

Wedding Bank = £650 Start, Ended £4,500 - All withdrawn for the wedding which is 3 weeks tomorrow :yikes: :D

what kind of timeframe are we talking about for that kind of profit?

21st May 2005, 12:36
what kind of timeframe are we talking about for that kind of profit?

This is what Mark posted earlier :)

Main bank started last July, Wedding bank started last September, Vegas Bank from Late September - December.

21st May 2005, 12:42
Specsavers :laugh

21st May 2005, 12:50
and, last question,as there are now only 2 exchanges, how do you have more than 2 accounts ? false beard and moustache ?

I used my own account for the main bank, dads for the wedding bank, and a mates account for the Vegas bank.

The Vegas bank was a boom or bust scenario....went to very high % stakes as we started off with so little, it was an experiment to see if we could get upgraded flights for 3 for £50.....we got lucky. NOT RECOMMENDED.

I also started the other 2 banks off on the Turbo Plan, which gave me a massive boost at the start. Bear in mind that it could have gone pear shaped, but again I was lucky.

I now only run the main bank, to 2.5% liabilities.....just over £120 at the moment.....the Base Bet it has been higher than that recently, but had a couple of poor days the past week or so.

Profit Seeker
21st May 2005, 19:09
Would you say from your experience that there has been certain months that have profited well in all years since it began, so that chosing these months to start a turbo plan would statistically be the safest? Thanks

21st May 2005, 20:21

22nd May 2005, 08:36

I started 2 and a half years ago with £200. I never kept stats early on and just kept on sucking out the profits.

Since July last year, I haven't touched it and it stands at £12,200 currently. I've withdrawn about £7,000 over time. The bank on the 22nd of July was £1,500.

I plan to get the bank to a level where I can quit my job, and work on other interests that I have going. This will be additional income......I plan to quit my job next year in June (have to give 6 months notice). The bank should be in excess of £50,000 by Dec next year. Then I will take half the monthly profits in a salary, and the other half, I'll reinvest into the bank so it continues to grow. I don't need a huge amount of £ sterling to cover my South African salary.

I'll be able to play more golf too..... :D

22nd May 2005, 10:30
.....unless I drop dead :D

Profit Seeker
22nd May 2005, 11:30
You make it sound as if you're a one man team. Does that mean if you drop dead then this site ceases to exists and potentially so does the members income?

22nd May 2005, 12:03
Yep :) Only me here.

Profit Seeker
22nd May 2005, 12:25
:) well good luck then everyone :)

22nd May 2005, 12:44
we send Keith a good supply of cotton wool to protect him from harm, and he's banned from any extreme sports...

22nd May 2005, 13:07
we send Keith a good supply of cotton wool to protect him from harm, and he's banned from any extreme sports...


Maybe we should get him insured :)


22nd May 2005, 13:31
Hi Guy's, I'm new to all this, so. My opening bank is £300. What systems do you folow? When laying a horse, how do you know what price to lay it at? and to what stake?

Maybe we should get him insured :)


22nd May 2005, 14:03
If you want to get off with 3 feet running, split it into 3 X £100 = 1 NH, 1 Flat & the Pro-Losers

22nd May 2005, 16:01
Keith can't drop dead.....it's not allowed....

22nd May 2005, 16:04
Im starting up a syndicate of Pro-losers followers to pay for a mad scientist to clone him. Has anyone got DR.DAVIDS phone number? :)

22nd May 2005, 16:07

Micky T
22nd May 2005, 16:30

:laugh :laugh :laugh

22nd May 2005, 16:31
Apparently that phone number is from Mars. It is ok though - I reversed the charges! :)

22nd May 2005, 16:37
I got the number from 118-118....

Profit Seeker
22nd May 2005, 16:39
It's interesting how these threads develop :)

22nd May 2005, 16:42
they dont develop mate - they mutate!

22nd May 2005, 16:45
It's interesting how these threads develop :)

very true... wait till Keith gets involved..... then it's sheep sheep sheep.... :D

22nd May 2005, 17:05
OI....Brighton boyo, at least I use condoms and not cling film leek yew!

22nd May 2005, 17:09
:laugh crisp bag and elastic band mate - cheese and onion for added flavour...