View Full Version : A+ bets question

18th May 2005, 12:29
at the moment, i put 5% of my bank on the A+ bets. right now, is this a good figure? or should i higher or lower it.

would i be better off putting a fixed amount on each bet despite my bank balance?

i have been making a small but steady profit which i dont want to screw up, but if there is a chance of making more i obvously want to do that.

what way do you lot do it?

18th May 2005, 12:30
BB+SQR or 3%-4% should do it. You don't have to use round number, something like 3.75% may suit a particular system.

18th May 2005, 12:40
ok will try that,
just want to say that your site and forum is one of the best on the net. i had been following different cowboy tipsters for about a year and they were not contactable when a losing streak was hit. at least you are here to explain things and help out. keep up the good work

18th May 2005, 12:53
I learnt everything I get wrong off Vegy :D

18th May 2005, 14:44
I learnt everything I get wrong from the book

"believe what I say" by Alma Buffoon!

21st May 2005, 14:23
What does BB+SQR mean??

Just when I think I have got my head around something, another little acronym apears!!

21st May 2005, 14:28
Base bet + square root of the profit. I think.

21st May 2005, 14:31
Hell! So you would need to know the odds?

(This is another novice making his excuses, and wandering off in bewilderment.)

21st May 2005, 14:32
No....Your BB (base bet) is something you decide on for all bets for that system. Say £5. You then add to that the square root of the profit, and that is your stake....simple as figuring out how Vegy exists :doh

21st May 2005, 14:37
"You then add to that the square root of the profit"

Sorry again... what profit are you referring to?

21st May 2005, 14:42
if you have a bank of £100 and you stake 5% of that as your BB that means each bet is a fiver. Once your bank is in profit you add the square root of that profit to the BB.

E.g. £112.00 bank. Bet =BB (£5.00) + sqrt of profit = (3.46) so stake is £8.46 on next race.

21st May 2005, 14:42
That'll be the profit you've made on the system, so for instance your bank started at £100, and your BB is £5, you've just backed a horse at 4/5, so you've won £4 to take the bank to £104. Your next bet is the BB plus the square root of your profit - in this case the profit is £4, so the square root is £2, which means the next bet is £7. Hope that helps:)

21st May 2005, 14:45
Thanks again.
That makes it clear.

21st May 2005, 19:09
I joined approximately one month ago and have followed the pro bets using the secure profit maker staking plan. I seem to be going nowhere, usually there is a good build up during the week only to be followed by disaster at the weekend. Are any members using this system to make profit?

21st May 2005, 20:12
Your using the wrong staking plan, ask the question in the Members Area.