View Full Version : Racing Club Query

21st May 2005, 14:07
I have spent days now going through this site, and trying to get an understanding of what to expect from the Club, once I join.

I have decided to follow the basic advice first, ie 5% on Maximums and A bets, adjusting via the Secure Profit Maker. I will double the stake when the bank doubles (although I am considering doubling the stake when the bank TRIPLES and halving the stake if the bank goes down by one third).

I have a query:

If it is £35 per month to join, what would I reasonably need my bank to be, to realistically cover costs? Obvious these things vary from month to month, but a pointer would be appreciated.


21st May 2005, 14:28
If your just starting with the Pro-Losers (laying), £100 is enough, as it is not unusual to double up some months. All depends on the level of risk you decide on.

For win system bets, etc, £100 is usully fine. I don't actually recommend anyone starting with more than a £200 bank for each system. None of this £100 per bet crap other tipsters quote. You can make decent enough amounts starting with £5 (even £2 on the lays).

....I'm sure other members will tell you what to expect...

21st May 2005, 14:33
Thanks for that. I see.
I cannot commit to the "Lays" until I fully understand them. In any event, I do not have the time that I gather it needs.
However, straight bets I can cope with.

Just to clarify, is that £100 per system? That obviously leads me to ask, how many systems are there?

I am sorry for asking so many questions. Should I be posting this in another area?

21st May 2005, 15:01
there are 8 systems (and the JTS system - not reccomended for newbies). and the pro lays, and false lays.

if you are just starting laying then you could start the false lays before the pro-lays, as there are much less selections to concentrate on.

i wouldn't bother about covering costs that much, as when you start off, you may not cover costs, but you will learn a lot and as your bank grows you will gradually make more and more each month,

21st May 2005, 16:06
The JTS not recommended due to the long losing runs?

8 systems. Wow. That is a lot.
Can they all be operated on a single bank and staking system?

21st May 2005, 16:11
The JTS not recommended due to the long losing runs?

Basically yes, you need a decent bank to lpay with this one, and it must be on Betfair to get the best possible returns on the bigger priced ones - you also need to be able to handle the losing runs psychologically - as with the pro losers, which is why they aren't recommended to beginners either.

8 systems. Wow. That is a lot.
Can they all be operated on a single bank and staking system?

Not advisable - best if you can operate separate banks for them all and run the appropriate staking plan for each.

21st May 2005, 16:13
Brilliant. And thanks. Sound advice.
Another question (I bet you saw that coming!!)

Is there a recommended staking plan for each system, or will I need to work that out myself?

21st May 2005, 16:20
There are suggested staking plans in the members area, and the Keith and the other members will be able to help you with any 'tweaks' or changes to them you might need. I don't actually do them myself - I have my own systems on the go (which you'll also get access to in the upstairs bit of the forum) and concentrate on those mainly.

21st May 2005, 16:24
Thanks for all the help

21st May 2005, 16:32
No probs, that's what we're here for!

21st May 2005, 16:47
also, even though there are 8 systems, it dosn't mean you have to do all of them. you could start off with 1 flat system and 1 NH system. and chose the ones with the strike rate that suites you, and maybe add another system when your bank / confidence / understanding grows.

21st May 2005, 16:59
Just earned yourself another green blob Presto.... :)

21st May 2005, 17:16
:wiggle: 5 blobs :wiggle:

thanks for that bigC, i may not be able to tip a winner - but i do like to try and help others on the forum, in the way that i was helped when i first joined.

21st May 2005, 18:38
thanks for that bigC, i may not be able to tip a winner - but i do like to try and help others on the forum, in the way that i was helped when i first joined.That's what makes this forum so excellent - I couldn't pick the winning horse in a 2 horse race but I can parrot back all the advice I was given as a newbie plus more opinions of my own :)

But that's enough to get a newbie started.

I love the fact I don't need to be able to tip to survive on here

21st May 2005, 18:45
I love the fact I don't need to be able to tip to survive on here

That's another good point Mat - quite few folk on here who have their little niche on the forum - yourself as the Excel expert, Glos and Ada with the quizzes, Mark and Vegy with the sims, Glos again with his PC help, Piggy with the joint effort, Larsson, Mat and Paul with the US sports, and Keith of course as the jack of all trades:D and all the others that all make this more like a community of friends than just a forum. Except of course when religion and politics rear their heads :laugh

21st May 2005, 18:59
Tony Blair for Pope :laugh

21st May 2005, 20:16
http://www.win2winracing.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_lol.gif What do you think he's going to do once he hands over to Gordon Brown.... and remember, Cherie's a Catholic..... St Tony... :yikes: (well you have to perform a miracle to get started on the road to sainthood, and trashing the Tories 3 times in a row must qualify! :D