View Full Version : New Win2Win Chat Room

21st May 2005, 14:22
I'll add this to the site links tomorrow, but for now all chat, poker, footy, racing, etc have their own rooms on this pretty impressive piece of code...

You need to click 'Register' .......http://www.win2win.co.uk/flashchat/index.php

21st May 2005, 14:46
looking good keith,

21st May 2005, 14:53
Plenty of option to play with, keep Vegy quiet :D

21st May 2005, 15:04
Abso fuppin bwilliant Keith...

nice one! :D

21st May 2005, 15:12
like the Save Log feature!

Micky T
21st May 2005, 15:12
Yeh very good,

21st May 2005, 15:14
like the Save Log feature!

What you do in your spare time is your business :yikes: :D

21st May 2005, 15:23
Great isn't it, $499 for some chat codes that are not as good, and that one cost $5 :doh

21st May 2005, 16:07
I've spent the last ten minutes talking to a robot... and now Vegysbot has entered... who's on my case? :yikes:

21st May 2005, 16:35
Bloody more intelligent than most though :laugh

21st May 2005, 19:24
[vegyjones] 7:23 pm: I like you!
[Vegysbot] 7:23 pm: Thanks, vegyjones, I like you too.
[vegyjones] 7:23 pm: That's sweet!


21st May 2005, 19:34
The irony is not lost on me that 99% of the time Vegy spends his time speaking out of his bot and now he is talking to it! :)

21st May 2005, 19:35

I didn't think I talked about Luton Town THAT much Ooo :D

21st May 2005, 19:41
[vegyjones] 7:37 pm: Why do you keep saying my name?
[Vegysbot] 7:37 pm: I don't have to explain everything to you, do I?
[vegyjones] 7:38 pm: I think it needs explaining!
[Vegysbot] 7:38 pm: It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is.
[vegyjones] 7:38 pm: Don't get stroppy with me!::swear::swear::swear::swear::swear
[Vegysbot] 7:38 pm: Only with you? Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that. Do you like sports? I do
not understand. Do you still vegyjones?
[vegyjones] 7:39 pm: I understand alright!
[Vegysbot] 7:39 pm: Good then you can explain it to me.
[vegyjones] 7:39 pm: You're an asshole!
[Vegysbot] 7:39 pm: Can't you be more polite.
[vegyjones] 7:39 pm: No!
[Vegysbot] 7:39 pm: You humans are so rude sometimes.
[vegyjones] 7:40 pm: You stroppy bitch!
[Vegysbot] 7:40 pm: You do not speak with respect. Interesting gossip: vegyjones said I .

I'm starting to dislike my bot! :anger :laugh

21st May 2005, 19:45
:laugh :laugh

21st May 2005, 19:48
Top stuff Keith, a nice bit of kit indeed.

21st May 2005, 21:01
Bloody Hell Vegy, you finally get someone to chat with in those lonely moments and look how you treat them!!! :laugh

21st May 2005, 21:11
Keith, please remove the bot! Thanks. :D

21st May 2005, 23:01
The bot panics if you mention Keith and disabling it. :D

22nd May 2005, 00:57
The bot panics if you mention Keith and disabling it The bot panics if you mention Keith and disabling it The bot panics if you mention Keith and disabling it The bot panics if you mention Keith and disabling it Sparkyminer Sparkyminer said I?

Type thing. :D

22nd May 2005, 02:03
[John] 2:00 am: You are pathetic.
[Vegysbot] 2:00 am: You are the one talking to a computer.

Cheeky git! http://www.win2winracing.com/forum/images/smilies/yikes.gif

22nd May 2005, 04:53
ha! vegysbot asked me if i am canadian!!!!???? v strange

22nd May 2005, 07:01
It's only there to keep the lonely people amused :D

22nd May 2005, 12:33
It's only there to keep the lonely people amused :D

Well, it seems to be working pretty well! :D

22nd May 2005, 12:57
It is also impossible to have any form f conversation with a real person because it gets in the way.. please will :yikes: someone get RID OF VEGY`S ROBOT NOW...

22nd May 2005, 14:32
I've changed the variable so he only appears with a lonely person :)

22nd May 2005, 14:50
:) :)

22nd May 2005, 17:35
Anyone fancy a quick chat...been years since i was in a chat room

22nd May 2005, 18:14
well I went in FTB but you weren`t there, only that b.....y robot :yikes:

22nd May 2005, 18:15
Doctors don't allow you out much then......must be serious!! :laugh

22nd May 2005, 18:34
Ok im there now, feel like a poker related chat...anyone? Bueller?

31st May 2005, 11:45
That robot is amazing. Keeps track of past statements the ability respond in a seemingly intelligent way to questions and attempt to keep the conversation going. An incredible advancement from the origional Eliza interactive chat program. Well impressed.

31st May 2005, 13:21
You been testing Vegy's clone then? :laugh

31st May 2005, 13:24
I might have to have a chat to it this afternoon. Relieve the boredom at work a bit

2nd June 2005, 22:56
what is your work that you find so boring Mathare ?? meanwhile I have lost my username and password 4 the chat room .. how do I remember them ?
signed mrs alzheimer

2nd June 2005, 22:58
what is your work that you find so boring Mathare ??I'm a software engineer for a defence contractor.

It's not boring really. But I am currently team leading a few test engineers and trying to occupy the days by playing with spreadsheets to make the figures look better than they really are is how most of my days are spent at the minute. Beats working for a living, that's what my team are for :)

2nd June 2005, 23:04
I'm a software engineer for a defence contractor.

It's not boring really. But I am currently team leading a few test engineers and trying to occupy the days by playing with spreadsheets to make the figures look better than they really are is how most of my days are spent at the minute. Beats working for a living, that's what my team are for :)

Gis a job :laugh

I have applied for jobs at Mat's place...
We could be working / drinking / dinner eevening / golfing buddies :laugh

And of course Leyton Orient buddies :laugh :laugh

2nd June 2005, 23:05
That's it, time for me to look for a new job :wink

2nd June 2005, 23:09

2nd June 2005, 23:10
I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE :Sp1 :laughYes..but


2nd June 2005, 23:13


Now you are going to get everyone talking!!!! :yikes: :laugh

2nd June 2005, 23:17
sounds like a very grown up job Mat.. I`ve never had any sort of job.. i often wonder what it`s like :hearty

2nd June 2005, 23:22
sounds like a very grown up job Mat.. I`ve never had any sort of job.. i often wonder what it`s like :hearty
Have you ever written a comedy Susan?

2nd June 2005, 23:41
funny you should ask that :yikes:

2nd June 2005, 23:43
When I start a serious book, I always seem to want to bring it back to my comedy roots. Do you think I should just try writing a funny book rather than a novel or serious story?

3rd June 2005, 08:37
Isn't LOVE a wonderful thing.:)

3rd June 2005, 10:19
When I start a serious book, I always seem to want to bring it back to my comedy roots. Do you think I should just try writing a funny book rather than a novel or serious story?
Ah, now if you are asking for my professional advice Vegy, it comes very very expensive.. :yikes:
But the basic rule would be, go with what feels best to you, what sort of thing you feel you are best at writing.. not straining to be either funny when you are not naturally that, or serious when you are naturally a comedian...sounds to me as if your writing keeps wanting to find the comic mode, like water finding its own level no matter how you try and make it go another way, or left handed people needing to be just that, not being made to write with the right hand...
what have you been writing ? Novel ? Play ?
I am not a comedy writer but I have just started a commissioned thing for Radio 4 which is on the lighter comedy side..trying to lose my stern and serious image you see. :hearty
anyway, let me know if I can advise further. Keith has given me your address for the bill :yikes:

3rd June 2005, 10:22
And Vegy if you ever need a tax adviser give me a call !!

3rd June 2005, 10:30
hmm....I could do with a tax adviser.......

3rd June 2005, 10:31
what have you been writing ? Novel ? Play ?
My main ambition has been to write a sitcom... I am waiting to hear back from the BBC at the moment.
I have also tried writing a serious novel, but find myslef wanting to put funny lines or amusing lines in it.
Much of what I write is of Mel Brooks type comedy... very silly and extreme comedy, which obviously doesn't belong in a serious novel :rolleyes:
This means I have a couple of projects on the go that have been left somewhat forgotten as I keep coming back to writing my sitcom's.

I have just started a commissioned thing for Radio 4 which is on the lighter comedy side..trying to lose my stern and serious image you see. :Are you signed to secrecy for fear of death, or can you tell me more more more.

And Vegy if you ever need a tax adviser give me a call !!If Susan is being serious I may have to take you up on that BEFORE I get my sitom commisioned :laugh

3rd June 2005, 10:33
All questions answered free of charge!!

3rd June 2005, 10:42
All questions answered free of charge!!Where do babies come from? :doh

3rd June 2005, 10:48
And Vegy if you ever need a tax adviser give me a call !!
You`re not a mole working for the Inland Revenue are you by any chance ?

3rd June 2005, 10:54
Susan sounds almost 'Glam' alas no , work for a firm in London!!

3rd June 2005, 10:55
Babies Mathare a bit to technical for me that one!!

3rd June 2005, 10:55
OK, sitcoms, good ones, are always needed.. best thing is to come up with a really really original but simple format ... all the best sitcoms in history have had simple formats.. but memorable... who ever would have thought a sitcom set in a prison would work but look at PORRIDGE...
It is not my area of expertise but I have a good friend who co-wrote Yes, Minister..long time ago I know and he may not know anyone in the business now but he`s someone I can always ask.
BBC.. they are absolutely notorious for taking their time.. have you tried independent production companies ? BBC buy in a lot from them now and they are often easier to get to read stuff...presumsbly you have THE WRITER`S AND ARTIST`S YEAR BOOK latest edition ? if not, shame on you.. all the addresses etc you need plus good advice are there.. get one now if you haven`t already (no, no I don`t get commission, I am not an affiliate though I`m surprised Keith isn`t, he is for everything else...)..
are we talking TV or radio sitcom by the way ?
Mine is Radio, along the lines of Adrian Mole ONLY in that it is in diary form read by the writer...
gotta do some work now... :hearty

3rd June 2005, 11:05
are we talking TV or radio sitcom by the way ?
It's TV... some of it is visual comedy...

I've only written to the BBC...
I have a copy of the BBC Production Writers Guidelines...

Independant Production Companies who accept material from unsolicited writers are very hard to come by these days!