View Full Version : LimeWire auto starting.

22nd May 2005, 10:33
My kids use LimeWire for their downloads etc. Seems very good, doesn't interfere with anything, fast etc, etc. However it's now auto starting when I start my PC, how do I stop this, as it does it before the network comes on and before the AV is up and running. I want to start it when I want it and not running all the time.

22nd May 2005, 10:42
Tools > Options > Advanced > System Startup. Untick, click "Apply" then click "Ok". :)

22nd May 2005, 10:58
Cheers Worky. Can't try it at the moment I've been booted out whilst daughter plays on Sims2. The music's addictive though. I'm in the garden at the mo'. Missus has cleaned the house in preparation for our holidays and don't want me to mess it up. :geek Why do they clean it, when no-one's gonna be there for a fortnight.:doh

on the nose
22nd May 2005, 11:03
start, run, type msconfig, then click on startup, uncheck you dornt want running at startup.

22nd May 2005, 11:05
Cheers otn, see my reply to worky. :)