View Full Version : juddery internet

flaming norah
28th May 2005, 14:32
I'm on broadband. When I first go online it's reasonably quick and i've no problems apart from getting chucked off now and again, usually when the phone rings.

When the racing starts I usually have the forum, betfair and the sporting life results pages on the go. As the day goes on, my connection gets slower and slower, eventually the mouse starts juddering, everything takes ages and in particular betfair seems to be badly affected. The only way I know of to stop this is to come off line and restart the pc, but it's a lot of buggering about. My dad said it's something to do with the memory cause of the pages constantly refreshing. If it is, is there any way of sorting this out without shutting down etc? Any help is greatly appreciated but must be explained to me in the same way as you would explain to a two year old as my pc knowledge is shockingly bad :wink

Thanks in advance

28th May 2005, 14:36
That does sound like a memory problem. I aint sure but I think there is a way of moving the setting to get more virtual memory. |One of the lads who are techies will be able to help you soon im sure.

28th May 2005, 15:33
If you are on a tel line with broadband you need a filter between the junction box and the phone to stop you from being chucked off the internet.

flaming norah
28th May 2005, 15:39
Cheers Marcus, i've got one but apparently it's crap, it was free with the modem. Even when it doesn't chuck me off I can't hear a word of what the other persons saying to me on the other end of the phone.

28th May 2005, 16:53
Glos should be along sometime to explain how to change the virtual memory and internet temporary files settings.