View Full Version : Hello Everyone

29th May 2005, 12:53
Just joined the Racing Club and the Forum so get ready with all answers
please cos I'm already confused. :yikes:

29th May 2005, 12:55
hello riggy, don't be too daunted - sure there is a lot to read up on but people here are usually pretty pleased to help if they can.

29th May 2005, 12:57
thanxs 1st question does everybody bet on all the systems and the free bets ?

29th May 2005, 12:57
Ask and ye shall receive - most of the time!

29th May 2005, 12:59
Can't answer for everbody! :D I personally only do the members systems as the free systems are usually a trial to see if it is still working.

29th May 2005, 13:02
Do u keep separate banks and staking plans for all If So did u start them all equally

29th May 2005, 13:02
I do the Pro losers and the National Hunt systems.

29th May 2005, 13:03
Everything should be Kept seperate.

Treat your systems and their banks like your women. If you have more than one then keep them apart and never mix them!

29th May 2005, 13:04
I personally start all banks with no more than £200. If you find after time one suits you better than others then you can add to it then

29th May 2005, 13:49
Sorry computor crashed ! but back with more questions Intend to stake
percentage wise using 5% each bet rising and lowering accordingly Is this the
best way ?

29th May 2005, 14:07
better to use 3% it is what the majority use

29th May 2005, 14:14
Thanx for ur patience tophatter feel like one of the boys already .But why 3% ?

29th May 2005, 14:15
5% is probably too high I have figures saying between 3% to 4% to maximise profit but as the SP prices may now have dropped a little 2.5% may be safer.

29th May 2005, 14:16
A lower %
also means your betting bank is safer! :wink

29th May 2005, 14:20
Suppose with all the bets available it can be a fair amount daily . Thanx again guys.
First Lesson learnt.