View Full Version : Ascertaining the Principle Meeting!

30th May 2005, 18:07
I was wondering if anyone could point out an online website which would indicate what the principle meeting will be the following day.The one that is highlighted on the centre pages of the Racing Post.I use the Racing Post website but it doesnt seem to indicate this for the next days meetings.

Thanks in Advance numsie :)

30th May 2005, 18:30
I think when you click on the RP's cards the first card they show is the principle meeting.

e.g for Tuseday 31st you click on this and Leicester is the first meeting they default to. This I think means that Leicester is the Principle meeting for the day.

30th May 2005, 18:37
Also while the principle meeting is the one defined as the one with the race with the most prize money added to this definition is for the day. That is the prize money for the evening races does not count towards determining the principle meeting.

So Leicester to morrow has 12,000 as prize money while sandown has prize money of 52,000.

30th May 2005, 18:53
Thanks Marcus


30th May 2005, 19:34
That is the prize money for the evening races does not count towards determining the principle meeting.

Are you certain of this, Marcus? Ooo I'm not 100% sure but I have my doubts re this assertion. I had always assumed otherwise, but I will check it out.

Not tryin' to start a flame-war or anything ........... :wiggle:

30th May 2005, 19:47
'Main' meeting is generally the one with the highest total prize money, although this is not always the case since the BHB added in a random factor for their 'championship' races.

IE. Sandown hosts a GP1 race, but Kempton host a GP1 with lesser prize money but a championship race, this would be the main meeting. Easy eh?? :doh

30th May 2005, 20:08
'Main' meeting is generally the one with the highest total prize money,

Yes, that was my understanding also.

31st May 2005, 02:44
I found that if I summed the prize money for all the races at a meeting I would sometimes get a different principle meeting from the one stated in the papers along with the confusion of evening racing having more prize money than the moring racing. Not sure about the chapionship racing side but if the races are classed higher than one with more prize money they probably become the main meeting.

Keith is the master of the racing knowledge.
My definition (tho wrong) fits every day of racing I know of, please point out a day it does not.

Stewards enquiry
31st May 2005, 08:01
The Daily Express used to list the main meetings of the day for the week on a Monday. Dont know if they still do.

31st May 2005, 08:07
I'm pretty sure their isn't actually an official 'main' meeting anymore, as it's probably against the European Fair Play rules. When all tracks are fighting for equal business, I doubt you could 'officially' favour one.

Nothing worng with selecting your own 'main' meeting as I do. I go by the overall class of animal. We may have Sandown & Kempton, but for me the 'main' meeting may be Fontwell.

31st May 2005, 10:30
The Mirror is showing Sandown as the main meeting today.


1st June 2005, 17:21
i always thought that the principal meeting of the day was the one with the jackpot bet running on it regards :)

2nd June 2005, 11:21
The RP default meeting is also Sandown.

Guess there is no Logical way of determining the Principle meeting then.

:dung :splapme :splapme :splapme :dunce :splapme :splapme :splapme :dung

2nd June 2005, 12:36
The Daily Mail always annotates the Principal Meeting at the top of the card.

Todays Principal Meeting is HAYDOCK as this has the highest overall prize money.

Prize money for today is as follows:-

£47,452 Haydock

.....Be Lucky!!!

2nd June 2005, 13:11
That fits my definition :yikes:

The morning race card containing the race with the highest prize money.