View Full Version : Need a Good Explaination!

4th June 2005, 21:56
Hi all prof,

I am very new to gambling areas. I have come accross two different terms:

1. Horse Racing Winning System
2. Zero-risk bettiing system - called Surebet

I am very please if anyone could explain if they are the same? How they work? Which one will give a guaranteed profit, and which one not?

Thank you in advance.

4th June 2005, 22:02
Zero risk = zero.

4th June 2005, 22:02
Welcome to the forum Wonderer.:)

First of all - if these systems are something you've found online either on another website or on Ebay, and they cost money, DON'T buy them. They are a rip off, and in the long run will lose you a lot of money. The best thing you could do is hang around ths forum for a while, and read all the info on systems, and how to bet on them - staking plans etc. Feel free to ask questions, there will usually be someone around who can point you in the right direction! You should also check out the main win2win website for the free info and systems on there. Good luck!

4th June 2005, 22:05
Forgot to add, there is no such thing as a zero risk bet unless you know exactly what you are doing and are able to trade on the exchanges to lock in profit. That takes a lot of time, effort and learning to get right, and the returns can be small compared to the time involved. Get it wrong and you can lose an awful lot of money.

4th June 2005, 22:21
i think the 'Zero-risk bettiing system - called Surebet' is arbing.

arbing is basically backing different selections in the same event to guarante profit (with catches), some of these subscription arb services will send out an e-mail like this.

salford city buckaneers vs manchestershire blue sox

back salfard @ 3 (available at dodgy bookie.com)
back mancester @ 3 (available at estonian bookie .com)
back draw @ 3.05 (available at bolivia bookie .com)

if you back all the selection's they say at the bookies prices quoted, then you will be guaranteed a tiny profit. but there are some big IF'S as the bookies are often dodgy forign oney you will never have heard of, prices may change etc....

5th June 2005, 08:17
How much were you thinking of winning?....realistically....

5th June 2005, 09:13
How much were you thinking of winning?....realistically....

I would like to win not much amount of up to £300 per week in my spare time if there is no risks involved.

i have been to one website, it charges £32 for two selections, $50 for 4 selections. What does it mean? Is this website trying to rip off people who dont know the system well?

I would appreciate any help.

5th June 2005, 09:44
You get 8 win systems with me, Pro-Loser, Falsies, JTS, and plenty more for £35/month.

Don't ask me though, the members will tell you.

But £300 is a lot, and would need a starting bank of around £10,000 to keep the risks down....being realistic :). Also £300/week would be an average in pro-gambling, you can not make a fixed amount each week.

5th June 2005, 09:45
how old are you?

5th June 2005, 09:50
£32 for 2 selections..... if it involves arbing you could realistically be looking at having to put up tens of thousands of pounds to make that £300 a week. You'll be hard pushed to get the sort of bets on you want because of the amounts involved, and there is a risk - a vey very big risk! You may get one side of the bet on at the required odds, but if the other bookie changes the odds so they're no longer in your favour, you lose and there's nothing you can do about it. It's not worth the hassle, it's certainly not worth paying out for, especially when you sounds like a bit of a novice at this sort of thing.

If you have £50 to spare, spend £35 on a months full membership on here, and stick the other £15 back in your pocket for now until you know what you're doing. Join here and you get access to all the Win2Win systems, the pro losers etc, plus a few systems from the members as well. You'll also get good advice from us all, and even one to one advice from the boss himself... try getting that from another site!

Getting back to systems - there are literally thousands of so called money making systems for gambling out there - many on Ebay, many on websites, and 99.99% of them you can get for free it you know where to look. Why are they free? Because they are crap. Why do some people charge for them? Because there are no end of gullible beginners to gambling who get blinded by the figures on display and think they're on to a quick buck. It's just not like that, gambling to make a decent amount of money is a long term thing, not something you can do in a few weeks. If you want to try and get rich quick - do the lottery! If you want to build up your betting bank at a reasonable rate with a view to actually staying in profit, join us and read as much as you can on the forum, and don't be afraid to ask questions no matter how daft they sound - we won't laugh at you too much :) The advice on here on systems and staking is second to none...

Remember, we were all beginners at one time.... and you never stop learning at this game....

5th June 2005, 09:52
how old are you?

You and your chat up lines.... :D Actually it's a question I had for Wonderer as well...

5th June 2005, 10:00
You get 8 win systems with me, Pro-Loser, Falsies, JTS, and plenty more for £35/month.

Don't ask me though, the members will tell you.

But £300 is a lot, and would need a starting bank of around £10,000 to keep the risks down....being realistic :). Also £300/week would be an average in pro-gambling, you can not make a fixed amount each week.

I cannot not start now as I don't know even how the stakes on horse racing work?

I need to spend more time learning before I can subscribe to a service. Where can I get information about Horse Racing betting for the beginners?

Thank you in advance.


5th June 2005, 10:12
On here :doh

Watch SILAX he tends to get PMT in between races :laugh

5th June 2005, 10:15
I need to spend more time learning before I can subscribe to a service. Where can I get information about Horse Racing betting for the beginners?

Actually you can get that sort of advice right here - in the members area of the forum we have a beginners room... but of course you have to join to get access to that. Like I said, if you can afford £32 on a system with no guarantees, you can afford £35 for a month on here, with access to all the staking and systems advice you need.

Perhaps you need a book or 2 to read up on the subject - try these




5th June 2005, 10:22
how old are you?
sorry to be blunt but i was stuck outside by a pool in 90 degrees + sun all day yesterday force fed burnt burgers and chicken from a bbq topped off with a gallon of lager and a couple of bottles of wine. my face now looks like a tomato and i have the mother of all hangovers. i really don't want to waste my time giving advice to someone who is not old enough to put a bet on :mover

5th June 2005, 10:45
my face now looks like a tomato No different than between races then? :laugh

5th June 2005, 11:25
a little wax doll i've named keith sorts the stress problems out now :D

5th June 2005, 11:55

5th June 2005, 11:57
sorry to be blunt but i was stuck outside by a pool in 90 degrees + sun all day yesterday force fed burnt burgers and chicken from a bbq topped off with a gallon of lager and a couple of bottles of wine. my face now looks like a tomato and i have the mother of all hangovers. i really don't want to waste my time giving advice to someone who is not old enough to put a bet on :mover

Sorry I am probaly much older than you are, mate. But I am not a GAMBLER LIKE for many years, that is why i dont know any thing about this.

However, I am not going to be IDIOT to waste my money for nothing as it is hard for me to make every single penny of GBP. I have been an Arb TRADER for a while, and very happy with the outcome. I came here just to investigate the Horse Racing if it is absolutely free risk betting?

5th June 2005, 12:06
Not a gambler but been an arb trader for a while. Last time I checked arb trading was effectively gambling

5th June 2005, 12:15
Not a gambler but been an arb trader for a while. Last time I checked arb trading was effectively gambling
Just exactly when did you check this Mat? :D

5th June 2005, 12:19
Ignore Silax, heatstroke :laugh ....or some kind of stroke anyway... :D

Arbing is gambling, and I do it if I come across something, but it's not zero risk, that would be the holy grail. At some point you'll get part 1 of the arb on, and while doing that someone else will have taken part 2 leaving you in the crap, which is why I always place both together if the opportunity comes up.

I prefer trading than arbing, as I have more control, and can bail out at a smaller loss if it goes wrong.

5th June 2005, 12:20
Just exactly when did you check this Mat? Vegy, your in the wrong sites for carpets...:doh

5th June 2005, 12:24
Not a gambler but been an arb trader for a while. Last time I checked arb trading was effectively gambling

Hello mates,

Arb trading is not classified as Gambling LIKE Horse Racing, Poker, etc.; otherwise, it is called Arb Gambling, not Arb TRADING.

However, if I cannot get info from here, there are so many websites which will give very genuine information....

Just let all of you know that I am not prepared to take risk gambling as I work very hard to make every single penny of GBP!


5th June 2005, 12:33
Blimey! You know how to push all the right buttons don't you?

I'm glad you work hard, nice to know someone in this country does. Thanks for keeping the ecomony going LIKE and enjoy your thank you letter from Gordon Brown for saving his career.

Arb trading is gambling as there is risk involved. Fund management is gambling, pensions are gambling, investing in shares is gambling.

You can get loads of info from this site but what are you after? A zero-risk gambling strategy on horses? OK, I can give you that. Back every horse in every race and you'll get every winner. No risk of not getting it. Profit? Ahh, not as such no. Because to make a profit you need to take a risk.

This site has many dedicated members who have been to the other sites you talk off and found empty promises which empty bank accounts. Here our members are making nice profits off tried and tested systems. They have the support of a massive network of very knowledgeable people. Can you find that elsewhere? Genuinely?

5th June 2005, 13:01
Blimey! You know how to push all the right buttons don't you?

I'm glad you work hard, nice to know someone in this country does. Thanks for keeping the ecomony going LIKE and enjoy your thank you letter from Gordon Brown for saving his career.

Arb trading is gambling as there is risk involved. Fund management is gambling, pensions are gambling, investing in shares is gambling.

You can get loads of info from this site but what are you after? A zero-risk gambling strategy on horses? OK, I can give you that. Back every horse in every race and you'll get every winner. No risk of not getting it. Profit? Ahh, not as such no. Because to make a profit you need to take a risk.

This site has many dedicated members who have been to the other sites you talk off and found empty promises which empty bank accounts. Here our members are making nice profits off tried and tested systems. They have the support of a massive network of very knowledgeable people. Can you find that elsewhere? Genuinely?

I absolutely agree with your idea that making profits involves taking risks. However, Arb Trading does not produce much risk, not risky at all if you know what are you doing to avoid this sort of things.

I am here not to argue with all of you about Arbitrage Trading and Horse Racing. I came here just to expand my knowledge of Horse Racing. This does not necessarily mean I will go to this sector - unless it involves very little risk with big profits.

5th June 2005, 13:06
I absolutely agree with your idea that making profits involves taking risks. However, Arb Trading does not produce much risk, not risky at all if you know what are you doing to avoid this sort of things.

I am here not to argue with all of you about Arbitrage Trading and Horse Racing. I came here just to expand my knowledge of Horse Racing. This does not necessarily mean I will go to this sector - unless it involves very little risk with big profits.

Big Profits and Little risk don't go together!

There is a free site and forum here which offers advice and a members service that offers more advice and systems.

You seem to have a bad attitude to gambling but if you believe there are such magical systems out there, please feel free to seek and buy whatever you feel necessary as you are obviously not prepared to listen to the advice some of well respected people on this forum have already given you!

5th June 2005, 13:07
However, if I cannot get info from here, there are so many websites which will give very genuine information....

You try to be helpful and what do you get....Another one with an attitude....

However, I am not going to be IDIOT to waste my money for nothing

One thing you won't be doing here is wasting your money. If you're doing so well with your trading / arbing whatever you wish to call it, why can't you spend £35 on a month's membership here. As I've already said several times all the info you need to make money from racing is here. To be honest if you join as a mamber and CAN'T make a profit from all the available information and help - then you can be classed as an IDIOT.... anway I think I've said enough on this, considering I haven't had a response....

Oh yeah, as for having a pop at Silax for asking about your age - he had good reason to do so - we've had half wits come on here barely out of nappies trying to tell us we're all wrong and that we should do what they do.... waste of space... Silax has moved to Spain on the back of his winnings from here - what more do we need to tell you!

5th June 2005, 13:09
unless it involves very little risk with big profits.

Mugging old ladies is probably your best bet for that.... latest stats suggest only one in 79 grannies has a black belt in crochet..... the odds are well in your favour....

5th June 2005, 14:22
Is it safe to come out yet?

5th June 2005, 14:40
Is it safe to come out yet?

Shouldn't that be in the Gay2Gay forum? :yikes:

5th June 2005, 14:50
Bummer...sussed :yikes:

6th June 2005, 09:24
This thread was a wind up from the start from someone thinking he was being clever but failed misserably. Is that the best they can come up with these days, Silax was right to assume it was posted by a juvinile.