View Full Version : Excel problem

7th June 2005, 13:04
Have I completely screwed my betting records up?

I have a spreadsheet that is normally about 6meg in size but when I saved it last night it went down to about 4.5meg, which I thought at the time was odd but it saved OK so I thought little else of it. I have brought it to work and now it doesn't open. Or rather it does sort of.

I open it and Excel.exe raises an error and says it must shut down.

If it does this at work I feel it will do it at home so the only up to date copy of my betting records may be down the pan unless anyone has any bright ideas on how to rescue the data...

7th June 2005, 13:09
I have a Dr Watson error dump if that helps anyone...

7th June 2005, 13:41
I think I have worked round it

I used Access to recover the data from the tables and used a backup of the structure of the spreadsheet to recreate most of it

7th June 2005, 13:43
A bit of relief then Mat. :)

7th June 2005, 13:56
A bit of relief then Mat. :)A very generous offer mate but I think I can manage. :wink

Oh, I see what you mean :D Yes, I am pleased to have been able to recover my data

7th June 2005, 14:02
:D I knew there was a joke cummin.