View Full Version : computer clock - wrong time

7th June 2005, 21:35
i feel a bit of an idiot now, because i have just realised my computer clock (bottom right hand corner) has been showing the wrong time all day (1/2 hour fast), so i thaught i must have missed the first race thus didn't bother placing the lays :splapme . also putting bet's on on a race by race basis get's confusing when there is no liquidity before the race, i convinced myself that all racing was put back 1/2 hour - but figured it strange that ATR didn't mention it.

anyway, this is not the first time it has happened - don't get me wrong it is not a regular occurance but i think that this has happenes 2 or 3 times this year. the setting's are all u.k. GMT and i have not fiddled about with anything recently, does anyone know what could be causing this?

7th June 2005, 21:38
I think it's possible that maybe (I think that covers the uncertainty here) that something like the battery in your motherboard may be on the way out. Perhaps. Although I can't be sure

7th June 2005, 21:48
i was also thinking about that mat, i will wait a while to see if it happens again though before messing about with the motherboard. just out of interest - does the motherboad battery look like a giant watch battery (about 1/2 inch in diameter)

7th June 2005, 21:49
That's the one, yep

7th June 2005, 22:06
Download an atomic clock.

7th June 2005, 22:37
Download an atomic clock.

Is that one that wakes you up with a rendition
of Whole Again :yikes :yikes:

7th June 2005, 22:44
i have got an atomic clock form:


8th June 2005, 16:18
If you're on XP, you can get your PC to automatically update the date/time from an Internet time server.

1. Double-click the date/time icon in your system tray (or go to Start, Control Panel, Date and Time).
2. Click the Internet Time tab.
3. Select the option to Automatically synchronize with an internet time server.
4. If required, click the Update Now button.

This will automatically update your time on a weekly basis. If you find that you are losing time over the week then you will need to replace the CMOS battery in your PC.

Hope that helps.

8th June 2005, 16:30
thank's glos - i didn't see this option before, but as i look at it now the option is ticked, but i dont know if the atomic clock i downloaded ticked it for me. - i will keep an eye on the time for the rest of the week to see if it is losing time and is the battery.