View Full Version : Betfair Peoblem

9th June 2005, 23:35
This has only been happening today,i use IE, what happens is i can log on to bf and use account options etc,etc but when i click on say Sandown the days races load ok its when i click on say the 215 the page says it's loading and thats it just says its loading and doesn't go any further. There is a little yellow triangle in the corner with a ! in it on top of what looks like a sheet of paper with the word done next to it. As this might indicate what the problem maybe is there any way of finding out what the problem is, its been working fine with the same triangle there before.

Hope i've explained this clearly.

Any thoughts guys?

9th June 2005, 23:42
I think you may be better off downloading Firefox...

that solved my problem, which was similar to yours!

You may also have 2 firewalls active which may be creating the problem...
Turning one off may also help!

10th June 2005, 00:32
Same problem here when I looked. Seems to be a problem with their javascript not loading the inline frame that contains the bit with the postdata, speedratings, etc at the bottom of the card.

It's not a firewall issue as I don't have one :D

10th June 2005, 09:10
...and that's why we use Glos's PC for storing our...erm....holiday snaps :D :icon_tong :butthead:

Stewards enquiry
10th June 2005, 09:17
I dont know why but pages load better on some servers than others. On Firefox RP site wont fully load but it will on IE. Some other pages load better on Firefox than IE. :doh

10th June 2005, 09:48
Trying to make it fair for all.....so it works on none :laugh

10th June 2005, 16:36
Whatever i did or didn't do has sorted it, i did try to download firefox but microsoft encountered ae error when doing so?

11th June 2005, 12:21
I have a problem with Betfair too. It keeps taking my money :laugh
