View Full Version : Royal Ascot Updates

10th June 2005, 09:51
On Tues/Wed/Thurs I'll have them online around 10:30am

On Fri/Sat I'm travelling to kent for our nieces wedding on the Sat, and it happens to be at 10:30am...how thoughtless Ooo :whip

I should have the Friday one up by 12:30, but as for Saturday, the reception is straight after the wedding, so it MAY NOT BE ONLINE TILL 1:30pm, but I'll see what I can do.

Trust it to be at York, otherwise I would have nipped over in the afternoon.

10th June 2005, 10:31
On Fri/Sat I'm travelling to kent for our nieces wedding on the Sat, and it happens to be at 10:30am...how thoughtless Ooo :whip

Hence I am buying extra locks and buggering off to Scotland until normality is restored :laugh

Gotta go to a wedding on the Friday ;fire

10th June 2005, 10:32
Gotta go to a wedding on the Friday ;fire

I've got to go to one tomorrow :yikes: :D

10th June 2005, 10:35
Mark gets to lose his virginity.....isn't that sweet :laugh

10th June 2005, 10:38
I've got to go to one tomorrow :yikes: :D

Get drunk beforehand, I found it the best solution, and at least in years to come when your friends question the wisdom of marrying her you can say you were pissed at the time! :D

10th June 2005, 10:39
Get drunk beforehand, I found it the best solution, and at least in years to come when your friends question the wisdom of marrying her you can say you were pissed at the time! :D

How pished was your wife? :laugh

10th June 2005, 11:02
Mark, show her some of the comments on here and you'll be free to finish the rest of the Racing Sim season this weekend... :yikes: :D

10th June 2005, 11:23
As is said, "love is blind" and "marriage is an institution".
Who the hell wants to live in a "Blind Institution". :yikes:

10th June 2005, 11:23
How pished was your wife? :laugh

I figured she was "the one" when she was the first bird I ever pulled who was sober at the time! :laugh

10th June 2005, 11:37
I figured she was "the one" when she was the first bird I ever pulled who was sober at the time! :laugh

I'm still waiting for that one :D

10th June 2005, 13:17
my wife was tripping when i met her!!

10th June 2005, 13:50
...and you caught her....how sweet :doh

10th June 2005, 13:53
You'd think with all those new smiles you could have gotton rid of a couple of the old ones.....(One in particular...)

10th June 2005, 13:54

10th June 2005, 13:56
You're a cruel man.

10th June 2005, 14:14
:laugh :sheepy

10th June 2005, 14:21
A skipping sheep :laugh :laugh

10th June 2005, 14:26
OI!! Leave my sister out of this thread :laugh

16th June 2005, 21:04
Just to update, stillnot sure about the Satuday update time, but it will be done before racing.

Friday's will be on early, around 10:30am

16th June 2005, 23:57
At the moment, 10pm would suit me fine. :rolleyes: :)

17th June 2005, 00:50
Weddings??? I thought you had priorities... :doh :D

17th June 2005, 08:19
I have, hence my laptop being pinned to my back tomorrow :D Just glad that Royal Ascot is on the radio, although should be at the hotel by 3pm today, and they have Sky with ATR :)

17th June 2005, 10:14
You`re a glutton for punishment Keith, your wife must have the patience of a saint. :hearty

17th June 2005, 23:34
She has been sharpening the axe a lot lately :yikes:

Especially as I've just told her that after the wedding at 10:15 I'll be skipping the reception, otherwise no chance of getting the update on till 3pm!!! Should manage it by 1pm now I've got out of sitting down with a group of people I don't know, eating something I don't like......while missing the racing!!! Already cost me £185 in lost winnings by not getting a couple of bets on because of hassle with the traffic today.