View Full Version : stupid 'POS' computer wont work - HELP!!!

18th June 2005, 04:31
on my dad's computer right now.

there is something wrong with my computer, not sure what. but:

> it loads normally
> nothing on my desktop work's
> i click on an icon but nothing happens
> the start menu dosn't work
> not even ctrl, alt, del works
> it can't be a virus - (2 fully updated checkers)
> the mouse hasn't been disabled, as when i click the icon 'shades'
> i have re-started from 'last fully working point' - still no good.

p.s - i have another OS on a seperate HDD (semi-faulty HDD - unreparable bad sector's) - which is near enough independant from my usual OS / HDD - but this work's (barely) so i can't see it being a hardware failure.

18th June 2005, 11:19
Pretty difficult to diagnose when you can't get anything to open.

Will it boot in 'Safe Mode'? If it will, at least you will know it is something in the startup process and begin the process of elimination.

18th June 2005, 11:25
My guess is the ie setup which manages everything(guessed at) has got corrupted

Try going into safe mode (windows xp) and restoring a previous working version!

18th June 2005, 13:30
If you right-click on icons, and select "OPEN"..
Does THAT work? Could be the double-click setting.

18th June 2005, 14:06
i can boot up in safe mode, however the same thing happens.

i will try 'right click in a minuite - i will just get a few bets on first.
but it could be something to do with the motherboard setting's - as my motherboard battery 'may' be running out. - clock losing time (thread on this a week ago)

18th June 2005, 15:00
i have tried the right click option, and the 'grey menu' comes up but when i press open i get a loading (egg timer) for a few second's then nothing.

18th June 2005, 15:02
Can you boot up from your Windows CD - maybe do a repair of the OS installation, then re-do all the updates etc? Just a thought... (and probably a useless one!)

18th June 2005, 15:09
Best to do the REPAIR option from the CD. If that fails, Reinstall into the same directory from DOS, but you will have to reinstall some progs, but the data is safe.

18th June 2005, 15:25
i will give the repair option a go (if i can find the CD) - after racing.
thanks everyone for the help.

25th June 2005, 01:45
i have been using the 'alternative OS / HDD' for the past week, as i couldn't find the windows CD. but today i loaded up my usual 'problem' OS and for some reason it is now working. :yikes:

not sure why, as i have tried loading it many times before to no avail. problem solved :D (hopefully :rolleyes: )

25th June 2005, 13:43
Computers are strange beasts...