View Full Version : System 2 The Return - June

21st June 2005, 23:41
Took a bit of a break with this to let the flat racing sort itself out a bit...willing to give it a try again.

System 2: (Day 138) - Points profit +41.15... SR 183/596

2.20 Car - Supercast...won...11/4...+2.75
2.40 Sal - Abide...won...6/4...+1.5
3.00 Wor - On The Outside....up
3.10 Sal - Silent Jo...up
3.30 Wor - Gondolin....up
4.30 Wor - Dark Room...up
4.50 Car - Folga...up
9.15 Bath - Bluebok...won..3/1

22nd June 2005, 23:35
System 2: (Day 138) - Points profit +43.4... SR 186/604...3 from 8 up + 2.25

23rd June 2005, 22:42
System 2: (Day 139) - Points profit +43.4... SR 186/604...
2.20 Wol - Maniatis...up
2.30 Folke - Mister benecdictine...placed
2.40 MR - The Penny's Dropped...placed
4.20 Wol - Casemate....won....9/4...+2.25
6.35 NewM - Topton...placed
7.45 NewC - First Rhapsody....won...7/2....+3.5
8.20 NewC - Wessex...placed
8.40 NewM - Victory Design
:wiggle: :fizz :wiggle: Be Lucky!!

26th June 2005, 12:21
System 2: (Day 140) - Points profit +43.15... SR 188/612...
2.15 Utt - Argent ou Our...up
2.30 Win - The Snatcher...won...4/11
3.00 Win - Quality street...2nd
3.20 Utt - Nephite...up
4.10 Win - Sounds Simila...placed
4.25 Utt - Meneur De Jeu
4.35 Cur - Callow lake

26th June 2005, 17:18
System 2: (Day 140) - Points profit +37.51... SR 188/612...1 from 7 down -5.63

26th June 2005, 21:48
System 2: (Day 141) - Points profit +37.51... SR 188/612...
2.00 Wol - Boisdale...up
2.30 Wol - Kallistas Pride...up
2.45 Ponte - African sahara...placed
3.15 Ponte - Bellalou,,,up
3.45 Ponte - Shrink...up
4.15 Ponte - Stratham..placed
7.40 Win - Auwitesweetheart
8.10 Win - Barton Sands
:) :fizz :yikes: Be Lucky!

30th June 2005, 10:54
System 2: (Day 142) - Points profit +29.51... SR 188/620
2.20 Hay - Millville....2nd
2.40 Perth - High drama...3rd
3.10 Perth - Mr Ed....won...2/7
3.30 Yar - Kindlelight Debut...3rd
3.40 Perth - Wyn Dixie...up
4.00 Yar - Kind Emperor...won 3/1
4.10 Perth - Super Dolphin...placed
5.00 Yar - Platinum Charmer...non runner
6.05 New - Ballybunion....2nd
7.35 New - Goodricke....WON...6/4

30th June 2005, 20:07
System 2: (Day 142) - Points profit +27.61... SR 188/620....3 from 6..down -`1.21

1st July 2005, 11:25
System 2: (Day 143) - Points profit +27.61... SR 188/620....
2.05 San - Out After dark....up
4.50 Wol - Hills Spitfire...up
5.00 San - Moon Emperor....up
6.05 Lim - De Roberto....up
8.05 Lim - Briolette...placed
8.45 Bev - Bronwen...won..2/1...+2
9.00 Hay - Society Music...won...9/2...+4.5
9.15 Bev - Easy Mover...placed

1st July 2005, 21:37
System 2: (Day 143) - Points profit +28.11... SR 188/620....2 from 8 ..+0.5

4th July 2005, 12:06
System 2: (Day 144) - Points profit +28.11... SR 188/620....
2.15 Bath - Sunrise Safari....up
2.30 Muss - Gone too Far...won..4/5
4.15 Bath - Cape Unknown....up
7.25 Ripon - Quote Unquote...up
8.55 Ripon - Baylaw Star...up

4th July 2005, 21:24
System 2: (Day 144) - Points profit +24.91... SR 189/624....1 from 4..down -3.20

10th July 2005, 11:26
System 2: (Day 145) - Points profit +24.91... SR 189/624
2.10 Hay - Prince Namid
2.40 hay = Sierra vista
3.20 Perth - Brooklyn Brownie....won....4/7
3.30 Strat - Escompteur

14th July 2005, 11:01
System 2: (Day 145) - Points profit +24.91... SR 190/6247..1 from 3
3.35 Car - Be The Tops
3.55 Ham - Bessemer...won...5/2
4.30 Ham = Hulla Ballew
4.40 Car - Mooramana
5.15 Car - Rebelle
7.55 Eps - Blackmail
8.10 Don - Vamp
9.10 Don - Iskander

14th July 2005, 21:46
System 2: (Day 145) - Points profit +20.41... SR 191/635..1 from 8