View Full Version : Laptop

24th June 2005, 20:26
Now that i am a member, I would like to do the pro losers on a daily basis. But due to the unfortunate fact that i have to work Monday - Friday and i am not allowed access to the internet for personal business, i have no other option than to access it on my lunch break.

There are no internet cafes in my area, so my only other option would be to buy a laptop. My question is (and it might sound silly, but)... can i access the internet without a connection? I am not to clued up about laptops so was unsure if you needed to be connected to a telephone point to gain internet access or wether it connect wireless?

24th June 2005, 20:29
www.ajp.co.uk for laptops, most other companies will rip you off.

You either need to plug it into a phone socket with a pre-paid account on a free phone number so your company has no charges, or get a Vodafone Mobile Connect card on a £15/month+ contract. You can access from the top of Ben Nevis then!!

24th June 2005, 20:35
cheers keith. I think i will purchase one when i get back from my hols.

24th June 2005, 20:56
... or get a Vodafone Mobile Connect card on a £15/month+ contract. You can access from the top of Ben Nevis then!!Do these things work, Keith? I mean ... are they really reliable, good enough for these purposes, including using Betfair? Is real technological expertise required to set them up and keep them working, or could a schlemiel like me possibly manage it, do you think?

24th June 2005, 21:15
A number of members use the Connect card. Plug it in, switch on, run the Vodafone software, enter Betfair....usually as easy as that as long as you have a signal, and 97% of the country is covered.

I don't even use their software, I just double click on the Network Connection.

25th June 2005, 01:01
i used to use the public libery when i was working

25th June 2005, 09:55
i used to use the public libery when i was working...but they had very little porn, so he went on the WWW :laugh