View Full Version : Happy slapping poetice justice!

Profit Seeker
27th June 2005, 12:59
No doubt you've all heard of the latest craze happy slapping. I'm not sure if it's big in the USA, but one thing that is a craze over there is hanging out of car windows and smashing cyclists as they drive by.
Maybe not so humourous but more shocking to some, and very satisfying to me, here is a clip of it going badly wrong!

27th June 2005, 13:13
Yep, serves the stupid 'dude' right... brainless halfwit!

27th June 2005, 13:14
The happy slapping 'crew' are a right bunch of cowards. Always in groups, nearly always picking on someone who is asleep or smaller than them.

That video is naughty, he must've been damaged!