View Full Version : Horizon -- Tonight

14th July 2005, 17:40
The story of a mathematics lecturer who worked out a system of betting that gave him an edge -- and led him to taking on the Las Vegas casinos.

This is NOT a recommendation ............ I can't recommend something that I haven't yet seen! :doh Just a notification that this programme is on BBC2 at 9.00 tonite.

14th July 2005, 17:53
Seen it - Would not bother a second time - Math lecture goes on to make billions on the stock market - no info on THAT - of course!

14th July 2005, 19:51
Thanks for that, Marcus........... didn't know it was a repeat. Won't be wasting my time watching methinks.

14th July 2005, 21:57
Now you tell me! :rolleyes: :laugh

It seemed like a 50 minute programme that could have been done in
20 and contained lots of useless information!