View Full Version : raj patels laying system

21st July 2005, 08:58

New to these boards so please excuse me if i have put this in the wrong place.
I am thinking of purchasing this system and wondered if anybody here had anything good/bad to say about it.


21st July 2005, 09:12
Don't do it!

21st July 2005, 09:14
Join this site......Don't waste your cash on Raj.....you need a huge bank to make small money with him...

Stewards enquiry
21st July 2005, 09:18

21st July 2005, 09:27

i was thinking of becoming a member on here

21st July 2005, 09:27
Do I smell luncheon meat here ?

21st July 2005, 09:45
Do I smell luncheon meat here ?OFF, put your socks back on :D

21st July 2005, 14:08
I've just received an email from the man, click on the link and you can see screenshots of his Betfair Accounts, a lot of big amounts being used, if its kosher of course!

21st July 2005, 14:12
Want to see mine?

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=5></TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=GlobalBackground width="50%">Horse Racing (http://www.betfair.com/reporting/bettingpandl/BettingPandLForSport.do?sportId=7&startDateString=2005-07-19+23%3A00&endDateString=2005-07-21+14%3A11&timeperiod=yesterday) > Leic 20th Jul : 1m4f HCap</TD><TD class=GlobalBackground noWrap align=right width="50%">Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Selections</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=GlobalTableHeaderBackground vAlign=top width="100%" colSpan=2>Selection</TD><TD class=GlobalTableHeaderBackground vAlign=top align=right>Odds </TD><TD class=GlobalTableHeaderBackground vAlign=top noWrap align=right>Stake (£) </TD><TD class=GlobalTableHeaderBackground vAlign=top noWrap>Bid type </TD><TD class=GlobalTableHeaderBackground vAlign=top align=middle>Placed </TD><TD class=GlobalTableHeaderBackground vAlign=top noWrap align=right>Profit/loss (£)</TD></TR><TR><TD class=GlobalTableCell colSpan=2>Political Intrigue (http://www.betfair.com/reporting/bettingpandl/BettingPandLForBet.do?betId=1326997201&startDateString=2005-07-19+23%3A00&endDateString=2005-07-21+14%3A11&timeperiod=yesterday&sportId=7)</TD><TD class=GlobalTableCell align=right>2.80</TD><TD class=GlobalTableCell align=right>10000.00</TD><TD class=GlobalTableCell align=middle>Back</TD><TD class=GlobalTableCell noWrap>20-Jul-05 18:30 </TD><TD class=GlobalTableCell align=right>18027.00</TD></TR><TR><TD class=GlobalBackground vAlign=top colSpan=5 rowSpan=6>*Average odds: <INPUT onclick=noAverage() type=radio CHECKED value=false name=noAvgOdds>On <INPUT onclick=noAverage() type=radio value=true name=noAvgOdds> Off </TD><TD class=GlobalBackground noWrap align=right>Back subtotal:</TD><TD class=GlobalBackground align=right>18027.00</TD></TR><TR><TD class=GlobalBackground noWrap align=right>Lay subtotal:</TD><TD class=GlobalBackground align=right>0.00</TD></TR><TR><TD class=GlobalBackground noWrap align=right>Market subtotal:</TD><TD class=GlobalBackground align=right>18027.00</TD></TR><TR><TD class=GlobalBackground noWrap align=right>Commission @ 2.75%:</TD><TD class=GlobalBackground align=right>496.00</TD></TR><TR><TD class=GlobalBackground noWrap align=right>Net Market Total:</TD><TD class=GlobalBackground style="BORDER-TOP: #858585 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #858585 1px solid" align=right>17531.00</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

21st July 2005, 14:13
Thats faked btw, only had £9k on :laugh

21st July 2005, 14:14
That's funny OFF I had a bet in the same race. :D
Here's mine:-

Horse Racing > Leic 20th Jul : 1m4f HCap Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Selections

Selection Odds Stake (£) Bid type Placed Profit/loss (£)
Political Intrigue 2.80 100000.00 Back 20-Jul-05 18:30 180000.27
*Average odds: On Off Back subtotal: 18000.27
Lay subtotal: 0.00
Market subtotal: 180000.27
Commission @ 2.75%: 4960.00
Net Market Total: 175310.00

21st July 2005, 14:22
Wish I hadn't changed my mind and layed it off for £100000 now! :anger

21st July 2005, 14:27
What did you really have on it OFF ?

21st July 2005, 14:32
i once saw a program on mr patel a while ago (around a year ago). about how he made a living from betting and the exchanges, and too be honnest he struck me as a complete joker and a smug :icon_tong .

he was boasting how he spend a few minuites reading the RP then layed around 6 horses a day, and made a good living. it later showed him on track after placing a lay on betfair. he later boasted how he layed the fav and just made £100

£100 :yikes: wow talk about high rollers. :doh

21st July 2005, 14:39
What did you really have on it OFF ?

£100 @ 2.8. Thought it was an excellent bet, rarely bet higher.

21st July 2005, 14:50
Raj Patel is nothing more than a small time blagger in my opinion. Thats four or five of us proper layers that have said that now so I reckon we are right. Anyone who starts saying look at my accounts etc to try and convince someone is usually desperate.

21st July 2005, 14:53
I hear he does a good vindaloo and a wicked Madras - :laugh

21st July 2005, 17:03
i once saw a program on mr patel a while ago (around a year ago). about how he made a living from betting and the exchanges, and too be honnest he struck me as a complete joker and a smug :icon_tong .

he was boasting how he spend a few minuites reading the RP then layed around 6 horses a day, and made a good living. it later showed him on track after placing a lay on betfair. he later boasted how he layed the fav and just made £100

£100 :yikes: wow talk about high rollers. :doh
i remember the guy on the programme. i thought he was an ass as well

21st July 2005, 18:16
It seems possible that I might be the only person here who's a paid-up member of this site and a formerly paid-up but now lapsed member of Mr. Patel's site?

If that's true, does it entitle me to make one of my long-winded, rambling posts, replete with excessive adjectives, and not actually signifying very much? :fizz

From my own experience, I would certainly feel very sorry for anyone who joined that website rather than this one. It's nearly £100 per month there for not very much, and it doesn't even begin to compare with what you get here for far less! You don't even get the jokes there ... (mind you, some people might say that's an advantage ...) ...

I used one of his systems for 3 months earlier this year. I started off by amending what was in my opinion the absolutely crazy staking advice given (of risking 10% of your bank per race - I rounded that down to 6% and started accordingly, having read quite a bit about other people's experiences on one of the trading websites I frequent). To be fair, I didn't actually lose much altogether over the 3 months, though I certainly didn't make enough to cover the subscription cost, which is quoted not including VAT by the way, but I wasn't at all convinced that I was being given anything better than some things I could easily do for myself. So I was happy to drop it, and just feel a bit of a mug having paid for 3 months, to be honest.

Regarding the Betfair accounts he invites prospective punters to view, I make no accusations of impropriety at all. But I'd like to tell you some unrelated information about how some rather unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies have occasionally been known to perform and publicise clinical trials. For the medical community to accept a clinical trial result as proving anything, the statistics gleaned from it have to show that there was only a 5% or less chance of the results being attributable to "luck only" rather than to a good effect of the drug. In other words, out of every 100 clinical trials done, it's possible (and in fact expected) that 5 of them might "produce the wrong result" through luck alone. What's to stop a company from sponsoring 100 trials, promoting and publicising the 5 with the best results for their new product and burning the results of the other 95 trials on a big bonfire? Well, these days quite a bit, perhaps, and I don't want to cast too many aspersions at the industry collectively, but I think you probably see the point I'm making?

If I wanted to show someone a Betfair account with a huge percentage profit over a few short periods, I could achieve that by opening 10 or 20 different accounts there - which IS allowed, by the way - and then selecting very carefully which one(s) I invite people to examine.

Rarely, if ever, have the words "caveat emptor" sprung more fully-formed to my lips - but that's mostly because I don't speak Latin. :)

21st July 2005, 18:31
Cheers - that post deserves some Rep - unfortunatly I can't give you any just now so ask others to add to your reputation!

21st July 2005, 18:33
As I have said many times before - a small sample means nothing, yesterday means nothing, nor a week ago unless you have many thousands of bets behind you, even then things can change. That is why you stake SMALL % wise no matter how big the bank is. Ok you can take bigger risks with a small bank if you are prepared to bust it but not with a big bank. If this geezer is telling people to stake at 10% of the bank no matter what size it is and they are doing it then they will eventully either bust through the maths or more likley quit before then due to the preasure.

I aint relly interested in his site, but I thought it a good opportunity to repeat the mantra that has become part of me since finding this website which is this:

big risk = big trouble = little chance.

21st July 2005, 18:41
I have to admit that I bought Raj's 'system' (which is in fact a way of method betting) last year before finding this site. It was just one of many which I tried and failed with. It was an interesting read at best but as for a way of making money, it ain't worth a rub in my opinion. Don't buy it.

21st July 2005, 19:41
Well - Mr Patel, looks like you aint gonna get many customers here.....I guess you could always open a little corner shop somewhere..........Maybe the Hebrides are appropriate - Outer of course.........:laugh

21st July 2005, 19:46
I reckon I must be incredibly lucky, that the first site I got round to joining as a "member" was this one. Then again, I was tempted by enough, promising me untold riches,not to mention Hawaiin shirts and convertibles but had a nagging doubt they might not be all they seem.

Difference here is you have people like me who have nothing to gain (and actually a marginal amount to lose) by telling you what a great service it is. You also are left in no doubt that even with the best selections, don't expect to get rich quick.(its taken me two years!:laugh)

21st July 2005, 22:50
Does anyone get my 'Luncheon meat' joke ? :doh

21st July 2005, 22:53
I did! :D

21st July 2005, 23:00
Yep I got it, a four letter word. :)

21st July 2005, 23:16
Does anyone get my 'Luncheon meat' joke ? :doh

Yep, it did what it said on the tin :D

22nd July 2005, 09:31
Not sure what pork has to do with this thread though....have I missed a Jewish link? :doh

23rd July 2005, 04:31
i had a look at my e-mail and have found his spam in there so i decided to check out his bet's.

what a plonker.
i just had a brief look but he risked 28.8% of his bank on 1 bet.
there is a mix of footy bet's, and horses in there. how does that work for a system? - man utd play better on a good to soft pitch :doh

Stewards enquiry
23rd July 2005, 09:22
Its been said on this forum many times before don't pay money for tips.

20th August 2005, 13:58
i got some more spam today of this :icon_tong

ZERO RISK money from trading :doh
all i have to do is send him £400 then spend 10 mins a day placing a couple of trades, then watch the ££££ roll in.

he even shows proof that it works. - a couple of screenshots
(which were taken on the old betfair site) - nothing more recent raj :rolleyes:

20th August 2005, 14:14
The cheek of it. It is proper gamblers like Presto that should be sending SPAM to him!

20th August 2005, 14:25
The cheek of it. It is proper gamblers like Presto that should be sending SPAM to him!

i may just do that TH.
and tell him how to trade properly, - all the examples he showed were green on one horse, £0.00 on all other horses.

i may have to spent more than 10mins a day to make decent money from trading, and i don't expect it to be 'risk free'.

but i would rather be £30 green on all runners, than £100 green on one and nothing on the rest.

20th August 2005, 14:54
I thought they were all supposed to show a profit as well :doh Must be doing it wrong then, as I'm making money....

20th August 2005, 14:59
examples from, 'toss-pot trading systems'

how not to trade (http://www.bet-trader.com/examples.html)

if you arn't familiar with the betfair screen - don't worry it's about 10 months obsolite.

22nd August 2005, 05:05
Dear poppadom brother,

Raj here!

You may remember that it was only last week that I wrote to you telling you about the new chain of Balti Houses I bought in the black cuntry – You may also rememeber that I invited you and your missus up to to me flagship curry ouse; The Punjabi Haircut in Wolverhampton.

I was dissapointed to see that you didnt turn up, especially as my cousin , Shittpreet , had made special spicy poppadoms for the occasion, and with Bhajan having spent 46 hours preparing a special mango chutney , we wasnt too pleased I can tell you!

Its no good playing hide and sikh with me, coz I have your email and IP address, and I will always find you wherever you are.

Let me tell you bout my latest win (youve seen me betfair statements on the net) – last Suturday I layed Sanjeetar at Sandown Park, of course, she went down a treat , just like she always does after 2 bottles of cobra, shes out again next Friday – and next time we can all lay her!

I had a right tickle wiv her that day, won enough to treat all the family to new turbans, and theres still enough left over for me an the missus to go to the Punjab wiv our bucket and spade in November...

Before I go, let me tell you summat, you sign up to my scam, I mean scheme, and I will double yer bank quicker than you can say vindaloo.

I will leave you with a famous quote from my guru; Dooma Ballocks.

¨U Sikh him here and U Sikh him there, but will always find him on Forum Betfair.¨


The Punjabi Magician.