View Full Version : presto's plant's

28th July 2005, 19:26
not thoes sort workshy :smokin

i got them about 3 weeks ago to combat fly's, so far they havn't caught a god dammed thing. but they have about doubled in size so i thaught i would show you some pic's.

28th July 2005, 19:28
What's the stain on the table? :wink :D

28th July 2005, 19:30
eer :doh

MAYONAISE - that's it.

edit: - it's about 10 year old tipp-ex

28th July 2005, 19:31
I'd be careful Presto.... this is what it could grow in to!


28th July 2005, 19:35
could be fun big c,
warning - tresspassers will be eaten.

28th July 2005, 19:39
No relation to the 'Penis Pie Trap' then!!

8th May 2009, 11:55
Did these grow bigger ?

8th May 2009, 15:20
No relation to the 'Penis Pie Trap' then!!

I can't believe that you found this old thread by searching for 'plants', Vegy. So 'fess up - what did you put into the Search field? :thumbs

8th May 2009, 15:25
Err. err, Yeah but, no but but yeah but no but... :pk1

8th May 2009, 15:42
Or were you trying to search for "presto's pants" and mistyped? :wink

8th May 2009, 15:44
they sort of turned brown and died :ermmm
the venus fly trap started rotting when i put fly's in it, and the other slowly dried up (despite being watered).

8th May 2009, 15:52
they sort of turned brown and died :ermmm
the venus fly trap started rotting when i put fly's in it, and the other slowly dried up (despite being watered).
Green fingers.....pick your nose too much!! :rolleyes:

8th May 2009, 23:05
they sort of turned brown and died :ermmm
the venus fly trap started rotting when i put fly's in it, and the other slowly dried up (despite being watered).

So you got these to catch flies but you caught the flies and fed them to the plant ?

I guess they don't like the flies in your street.:laugh