View Full Version : Formatting In Forum Postings

4th August 2005, 11:05
Does anybody know if there is a way to publish tabular or column data when posting to the forum without it coming out all jumbled. Like if you type a table list and then when you post to a thread the data comes out all disorganised and unreadable if you know what I mean.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer in this matter.

4th August 2005, 11:06
You can do it with html tags in most, if not all forum areas

4th August 2005, 11:09
I'm sorry Mat, I honestly don't understand. What are these tags I should use?

4th August 2005, 11:14
<table border=1><td>HTML TAGS</td><td> :D </td></table>

4th August 2005, 11:17
Vegy in a box, nice idea :)

4th August 2005, 11:19
Yes, I know HTML means Hypertextmarkuplanguage but that is all I know. Please, what are the HTML tags I should use?

4th August 2005, 11:23
League 2 Table May 6th 2006

<table border=1 bordercolor=magenta><td><b>Team</b></td><td><b>Place</b></td><td><b>Played</b></td><td><b>Points</b><b></td><tr><td>Leyton Orient</td><td>1st</td><td align=right>46</td><td align=right>108</td><tr><td>Mansfield</td><td>23rd</td><td align=right>46</td><td align=right>10</td><tr><td>Grimsby</td><td>24th</td><td align=right>46</td><td align=right>4</td><tr></table>


[EDIT - Almost forgot the Stags :D]

And Keith... make sure you know what you are doing before trying to edit my table again! :uoyurs :laugh

4th August 2005, 11:24
Far too complicated for me to explain Ice...

Mat might be better at it, he uses them a lot! :D

4th August 2005, 11:28
An easier way is to copy it into Notepad, then copy and paste from Notepad to the forum. Won't be as flash but will be readable.

4th August 2005, 11:28
Okay vegy, thank you anyway.

The L.O./Grimsby example you gave is impressive.

4th August 2005, 11:30


4th August 2005, 11:32

Eh :doh You feeling okay OFF :laugh

4th August 2005, 11:34
An easier way is to copy it into Notepad, then copy and paste from Notepad to the forum. Won't be as flash but will be readable.

Thank you also, OFF. I've typed it in Notepad and I'll post it this minute to the SYSTEMS HELP AND INFO forum. Fingers crossed ......... will you have a look at it and see how it turns out, maybe?

4th August 2005, 11:37
HTML tags. I will use round brackets here but they will need to be angled brackets when you enter them in your code Ice. If I used angled brackets here now the forum would render them as HTML so you wouldn't see them.

(table) - start a table
(tr) - start a row in a table
(td width="120") - start entering table data ie create a cell in a table 120 pixels wide. Play around with this width till it looks right for the data you have in the cell
(/td) - end of cell data
(/tr) - end of table row
(/table) - end of table

(table)(tr)(td width="45")(/td)(td width="120")(b)Home(/b)(/td)(td width="45")(/td)(td width="120")(b)Away(/b)(/td)(td width="45")(/td)(/tr)(tr)(td)1/1(/td)(td)Arsenal(/td)(td)14/5(/td)(td)Middlesbrough(/td)(td)23/10(/td)(/tr)(/table)

will display (with the brackets changed to angled brackets) as:
<table><tr><td width="45"></td><td width="120"><b>Home</b></td><td width="45"></td><td width="120"><b>Away</b></td><td width="45"></td></tr><tr><td>1/1</td><td>Arsenal</td><td>14/5</td><td>Middlesbrough</td><td>23/10</td></tr></table>

4th August 2005, 11:45
Mat, I want to sincerely thank you for all that trouble you've gone to. I honestly mean that. But, if it is as difficult as this, then I'll just do plain text typing. Future posts will remain a tabular-free zone!

Thank you also, OFF. I've typed it in Notepad and I'll post it this minute to the SYSTEMS HELP AND INFO forum.
Grrr ..... well, that turned out to be a disaster. ;fire . I'll have to pull it down.