View Full Version : Something New !

5th August 2005, 09:28
Yesterday, I thought I would try something new. :yikes: The results were very satisfying, 5 winners from 11 selections @ 9/2, 8/1, 7/2, 9/4 and 7/4, and a LSP of 14 points. :wiggle:

However, using 3% of a hypothetical £200 bank, the running total would have finished at £295, a very nice profit on the day.

Maybe it was just a flash in the pan and not to be repeated, however I think it may be worth following for a few days just as a short test. (DON'T RISK ANY OF YOUR MONEY ON THESE YET!!!)

Friday 5th Aug

Level Stake Profit b/f = 14 Pts. :wiggle:
3% of bank b/f = £295 :wiggle: :wiggle:

Todays selections:-

3.30...Sed...Wally Wonder...WON @ 9/4 :)
5.10...Lin...Serramanna...Lost (2nd @ 5/2)
6.10...Hay...Commitment Lecture...Non-runner
8.25...Nkt...Stage Secret...Lost

Level Stake Profit now 13 Pts. :(
Running total on £200 bank + now £288 :(

.....Be Lucky!!!

5th August 2005, 09:29
I hate that word in the 5.00 .....for a start it's French.....should win though!

Profit Seeker
5th August 2005, 14:23
Flipping well don't wanna!