View Full Version : Faxes

5th August 2005, 10:56
I have a very ancient fax machine which is about to give up the ghost. I don`t use it enough to justify a new one. If I want to send the occasional fax from my laptop do I need to buy special software ? I use XP :hearty

5th August 2005, 11:08
You can use MS Word to send direct, bit messy though.

This is good software though http://www.01com.com/products_i2000_main.asp?navid=i2000 Buy it through my Amazon link :D

5th August 2005, 11:11
I see free trial Susan, got for that me thinkos :D

5th August 2005, 11:14
My missus was going to work one day...

I said, how shall i contact you

She said... "I couldn't give a fax" Ooo

5th August 2005, 11:19
It's also a certainty that the CD that came supplied with your modem driver has some kind of fax software you can install.

Failing that, if you're using XP, you'll find that it has fax capabilities built-in. It should be installed in Start, All Programs, Communications, Fax and instructions on using it are here http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;306657&sd=tech

If it's not installed, go to Control Panel, select Add or Remove Programs, click the button for Windows Components and chose Fax Services. You'll have to insert your Windows XP disc when prompted.

5th August 2005, 11:24
This is a more user-friendly guide to sending faxes in XP


5th August 2005, 12:40
Glos, I owe you.. found my discs and have done it following the simple step-by-step instructions you so kindly linked me to.. so :hearty mwah mwah mwah :hearty

5th August 2005, 12:46
so :hearty mwah mwah mwah :hearty

Ooh, 3 kisses Glos.... one on each cheek and one in between!:D

5th August 2005, 12:47
Glos, I owe you.. Now there's an offer, he'll be round tomorrow night.....does he need pyjamas? :D

5th August 2005, 12:47
Ooh, 3 kisses Glos.... one on each cheek and one in between!:D
Which end :yikes: