View Full Version : Outlook Express Problem

8th August 2005, 14:37

I've just noticed that Outlook Express, with no permission from myself, has deleted a pile of messages, a lot of them quite important. Anyone know where they've put these or if they can be retrieved?? :mad:



8th August 2005, 14:37
You should have a deleted folder. They might be in there.

8th August 2005, 14:39
Yeah I've got a deleted Items folder but they aint there...

8th August 2005, 14:42
Yeah I've got a deleted Items folder but they aint there...
In which case... start panicking! Ooo :compcrash

8th August 2005, 14:54
You can purchase software that claims to recover deleted files for you. This site offers a free trial of there software (although I've never tried it) along with some hints:


You can probably find free message retrieval software on downloads or tucows

8th August 2005, 14:57
Unknowingly you may have auto chive set to a date a time (180days?) click on Tools, mailbox clean up, you should be able to find a default folder for auto achieve.

Let me know if this helps.

8th August 2005, 15:15

Glos I downloaded that and it appeared to recover a lot of mails but not the ones that I'm currently missing unfortunately. It's a real mystery....sometimes Outlook would go into this compacting thing when I'd close it but i always cancelled it.

Ozgooner there's a strange thing..they mention a folder in options where personal infor and maybe deleted messages would be kept so i looked at the folders destination and strangely...it doesn't exist.

8th August 2005, 15:17
You should have an archive folder somewhere.

It sticks all old messages in there if it's set to auto archive.

8th August 2005, 15:20
Oh right...any idea where that's hiding itself?

8th August 2005, 15:25
How big is your HD? FTB

8th August 2005, 15:27
How big is your HD? FTB
That's a bit personal Oz?? Ooo :laugh :laugh

8th August 2005, 15:29
20 gig is all

8th August 2005, 15:29
I'm sure FTB ain't shy!!

8th August 2005, 15:30
If, in OE, you click on Tools, Options, Maintenance there's a button called Store Folder which should tell you in which directory your archived files are. Just cut and paste that address into a browser address bar and they should all be listed. Alternatively do a search on archive.dbx

It is possible to restore your old mailboxes but it's very long winded and there's also a likelihood that you'll lose some of the more recent entries.

8th August 2005, 15:32
Thanks Glos....how do I open a DBX file though (sorry, I'm a bit thick)

8th August 2005, 15:34
Trying a Search is why I asked how big your HD is.

20 gig no time at all.

8th August 2005, 15:36
One other thing. The database files that Outlook uses to store your messages is like a mini version of the FAT file system. Messages you delete aren't deleted immediately BUT the index entry for any deleted message is. So the old message will still be in the database unless a new message uses up that particular index. If that's the case then it won't be possible to recover the message or, at best, only get bits of it back.

So if you've only just noticed the problem, and it's been going on for a while, there's a good chance that this space has been allocated and all you'll get back is gobbledy-gook. Backing up your mail folders is easier now though.

8th August 2005, 15:38
Thanks Glos....how do I open a DBX file though (sorry, I'm a bit thick)

You can't. Well, not just to peruse the contents. You have to import them into Outlook Express using the File, Import, Import Messages option.

Make sure you have a copy of your original .dbx files in case anything goes wrong. Just copy them into a new folder on your hard-drive.

8th August 2005, 15:56
Hi Glos...sorry about this....I'm having a little problem in that when I follow the address of the folder i can't find it (because one of the folders in the address path doesn't exist in the folder it says it's in) However I can find it when I just type the address in the browser. This causes a problem when it comes to importing messages cause it asks for a location and you have to browse for it rather then type it.

8th August 2005, 16:18
I think I see what you mean. In OE you have to browse so you're in local settings, identities, blah-blah, microsoft, outlook express but it's telling you the file isn't there?

When you're in c:\local settings, identities, blah-blah, microsoft, outlook express you can see the file listed?

Firstly, does the file you see listed have a .dbx extension? You also need to make sure that none of the dbx files in that folder are not read-only.

If so, the next bit of the import wizard should have asked you if you wish to restore all folders or make a selection.

If it's only the one folder that you want to restore then you'll need to try the following:

1. Make sure that you have backups of your existing dbx files!!
2. Open OE and create a new mail folder called archive (or whatever the name of the mail folder you want to view).
3. Go into the new mail folder - this will force OE to create a corresponding archive.dbx folder in your hard drive.
4. Close OE then delete the newly created archive.dbx file from the folder where all your dbx files are stored.
5. Copy the original archive.dbx file (the one you've backed up in step 1 above) into this folder.
6. Open OE again, double-click the archive mail folder, and OE will load all the contents.
7. Note point 1 as it's very easy to copy over the wrong file so that you end up losing all your messages.

8th August 2005, 16:40
Thanks a lot for the effort Glos, really appreciate it. Think it's a lost cause though...the mails seem to be gone for good.

Thanks Ozgooner too...

8th August 2005, 19:47
You should have a deleted folder. They might be in there.

Haha, that could so easily be a dig at FTB's intelligence. :D :D

8th August 2005, 19:50
Said in total innocence mate.:)

8th August 2005, 19:52
I actually thought he meant a deleted folder that was located outside of OE, elsewhere on the laptop.

Another problem I'm having now is that I can't send any mails that have anything in the text box. For instance if I send a mail that only has something in the subject box it will send fine :doh

8th August 2005, 19:55
Just off the cuff FTB, have you tried swapping to Outlook?

8th August 2005, 19:59
yep....I just don't wanna upset the apple cart...this was my main work mail program and i dont know why it's turned against me

8th August 2005, 20:31
yep....I just don't wanna upset the apple cart...this was my main work mail program and i dont know why it's turned against me

Those dodgy timesheets eh. :laugh

8th August 2005, 20:32
:laugh They don't care about them anymore, they just don't pay me until all the work is done

24th September 2011, 23:47

I've just noticed that Outlook Express, with no permission from myself, has deleted a pile of messages, a lot of them quite important. Anyone know where they've put these or if they can be retrieved?? :mad:


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