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9th August 2005, 18:38
if someone could help i'd be really gratefull as this is really getting on my nerves,in drive e ive got a folder called hip hop etc inside that folder ive got 128 folders how can i print off a list of the names of these folders?

9th August 2005, 18:53
this could be helpful Piggy


9th August 2005, 19:07
A cheap alternative is to open up a command prompt window, navigate to the directory using CD c:\path to directory then type DIR *. > PRN:

I knew my 25 years of DOS would come in handy one day :D

9th August 2005, 19:08
cheers big c works a treat, oh i forgot i'm not talking to you :D going on holiday ::swear cheek if you ask me :D

9th August 2005, 19:10
Oh, I forgot to say if you don't have a printer attached substitute the PRN: with dirlist.txt

You can then open that up with any editor such as notepad, email it, cut and paste it, print it, etc.

9th August 2005, 19:11
I knew you'd have a simple way of doing it! :) That bit of software is free, so can't really get cheaper than that, plus it uses the nice Windows interface... not that nasty old DOS style box.... :D All the younger members are now asking 'What's DOS?' :)

9th August 2005, 19:14
Funny you should say that but there was very little that you couldn't do in DOS if you set your mind to it. Okay, maybe you didn't get funny icon things and scroll bars and the rest of that clutter :D

And everyone knows that it stands for Defective Operating System :D :D

9th August 2005, 19:19
it allows me to save off in notepad so no problems at all :)

9th August 2005, 19:34
Ahhh, those halcyon days when you could fit the entire operating system, plus Wordstar wordprocessing, and Supercalc spreadsheet software, onto a single 720k floppy along with half a dozen word documents and spreadsheets....and still have change left over for a fish supper and ten woodbines :D

9th August 2005, 19:35
And everyone knows that it stands for Defective Operating System :D :D

And the level of defectiveness depended on which version you were using.... of course being Microsoft software, the latest wasn't always the best!

9th August 2005, 19:38
So true. How our hearts sank when they released MS-DOS 3.0 :(

And don't even get me started on the codepage farago with MS-DOS 5.0

9th August 2005, 19:46
And if I remember rightly the drivespace / doublespace disk compression software that was 'now you see it, now you don't' in 6.2 and 6.22...