View Full Version : Something New (6)

11th August 2005, 09:23
Much too early to say yet but "Something New" seems promising already after only 2 days.

Selections = 11
Winners = 4
Str. Rate = 36 %

LSP b/f = 11 1/2 Pts. :wiggle:

3 % of £200 runnung bank now £269. :wiggle:

so for today, 11th Aug.

2.10...Bev...Shotley Dancer...Lost
4.35...San...Wujood ***(NAP)...Lost
6.15...Chp...Bridal Path***...WON @ 5/6 Odds On No Bet
6.30...Hay...Angus Newz...Lost (3rd @ 4/1)
8.00...Hay...Jack the Giant...Lost (2nd @ 9/4)

LSP now + 7 1/2 Pts.
3 % bank now £238

A small hiccup ( I hope). Maybe today's pick will improve the figures. :)

.....Be Lucky!!!

11th August 2005, 10:03
Ticking along very nicely, mate.
Well done on yesterday's excellent results.

Profit Seeker
12th August 2005, 09:21
The strangest thing in the world with testing systems is very often they will fly at the beginning, very often giving you a false impression. I'm not saying your success won't continue of course, just with alot of ideas I've tried have started great guns then faded. See my trial hasn't started great, well that's cos it was flying when I originally thought it up months ago. We often say don't bet on these for real as it's in testing, yet I think the very beginning may be the time to put your money on, low risk stakes of course, and when a bad turn pops up, quit and reap the small profit.

12th August 2005, 09:48
The strangest thing in the world with testing systems is very often they will fly at the beginning, very often giving you a false impression. I'm not saying your success won't continue of course, just with alot of ideas I've tried have started great guns then faded. See my trial hasn't started great, well that's cos it was flying when I originally thought it up months ago. We often say don't bet on these for real as it's in testing, yet I think the very beginning may be the time to put your money on, low risk stakes of course, and when a bad turn pops up, quit and reap the small profit.

Can't totally agree with you P.S. How are you going to know at the beginning that it is going to be a winning system and get the profits early? Every man and his dog knows there is no such thing as the perfect winning system (If Only) but to find a system that - overall - gives regular profits after accounting for losers would be ideal.

The current system "under test" showed a profit of 14 Pts after 3 days ( Ooo yes, that's three whole days) and a 3 % bank increase of £99 which as I said was a starting point when I decided to see if there was anything worth checking over the next twelve months (and I'm not joking) Anyway, what usually happens, as you say, is that after a couple of weeks it starts to go A*** over T** so I won't be investing anything on these till they have proved themselves.

.....Be Lucky!!!

12th August 2005, 10:05
The strangest thing in the world with testing systems is very often they will fly at the beginning, very often giving you a false impression.

I have got the perfect solution PS, invent a new system every couple of weeks and therfore you are guarenteed to be a winner! :D

Profit Seeker
12th August 2005, 10:29
Good idea, except I've run out of ideas :geek :D