View Full Version : Something New 14th Aug.

14th August 2005, 09:45
LSP b/f = + 24 1/2 Points. :wiggle:
3% Running Bank b/f = £370 :wiggle:

Only one selection today:-

2.20...Str...Red Nose Lady...WON @ 12/1 :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

LSP NOW 36 1/2 Points.
3% Running Bank Now £502

This is just too good to believe? :D :D :D
After only 6 days. :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

.....Be Lucky!!!

14th August 2005, 10:04
Nice green :)

14th August 2005, 10:08
Nice green :)

Goes with my eyes. :D

14th August 2005, 14:26
I love you and want to have your babies - 17 on Bettie for me!

Profit Seeker
14th August 2005, 14:43
See, Oldham's got his money on early. I might dive on board to ruin it for you :wink

14th August 2005, 17:53
I love you and want to have your babies - 17 on Bettie for me!

Well done,TOW. Until I'm convinced it's a goer, I'll stick to small-ish stakes. Did have a nice double with Dubawi as well though. :wiggle:

.....Be Lucky!!!